Dataset for the publication New particle formation events can reduce cloud dr...
This repository contains PMCMx-UF model outputs used for the paper: D. Patoulias K. Florou S. N. Pandis and A. Nenes: New particle formation events can reduce cloud droplets in... -
Data for Numerical Investigation of Sediment Yield Underestimation in Supply-...
The dataset contains the input and output files from the publication by Hirschberg et al. (2022). The input files are the climate forcing time series generated with the AWE-GEN... -
Data from: Does one model fit all? patterns of beech mortality in natural for...
The datasets comprise nearly 19’000 trees of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) from unmanaged forests in Switzerland, Germany / Lower Saxony and Ukraine. Tree death was... -
Dataset for the publication Drivers of Droplet Formation in East Mediterranea...
This repository contains the datasets that were used for used for the paper:: Drivers of Droplet Formation in East Mediterranean Orographic Clouds, EGUsphere,... -
Grassland restoration: insects and insect traits
This dataset contains all data, on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: Neff, F., Resch, M. C., Marty, A., Rolley, J. D., Schütz, M., Risch, A. C,... -
Data Broedlin CNP
Mircocosm experiment to identify the individual patterns and controls of C, N, and P mobilization in soils under beech forests. Organic and mineral horizons sampled along a... -
Data and Code on Extreme Inflow and Lowflow Analysis for Alpine Reservoirs
Summary Dataset of daily inflow to Luzzone reservoir in Ticino, Switzerland R scripts used to generate return levels for low reservoir inflow, low precipitation, high... -
Data analysis toolkits
These are condensed notes covering selected key points in data analysis and statistics. They were developed by James Kirchner for the course "Analysis of Environmental Data" at... -
Data from: Estimation of breeding probbability can make monitoring data more ...
This dataset includes data from 15 native pond breeding species in Switzerland in addition to observations of any species within the Pelophylax genus of water frogs. 233 sites... -
How is avalanche danger described in textual descriptions in avalanche foreca...
The data set contains the danger descriptions (German) of the avalanche forecasts published at 5 pm between 27-Nov-2012 and 13-Feb-2020. -
Data for: Understanding dominant controls on streamflow spatial variability t...
This study documents the development of a semi-distributed hydrological model aimed at reflecting the dominant controls on observed streamflow spatial variability. The process... -
Daily data of solute and stable water isotopes in stream water and precipitat...
This dataset contain measurements of solute and stable water isotopes in stream water and precipitation in the Alp catchment and two of its tributaries (between 2015 -2018) .... -
daily 500m gridded net radiation and soil moisture for Switzerland, 2004
R data set containing R raster objects with 500m gridded daily modeled soil moisture and net radiation covering Switzerland for the year 2004. -
Cropland and grassland map of Switzerland based on Sentinel-2 data
We developed a map of cropland and grassland allocation for Switzerland based on several indices dominantly derived from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery captured over multiple... -
Crack propagation speeds in weak snowpack layers from three events: PST, whum...
For the release of a slab avalanche, crack propagation within a weak snowpack layer below a cohesive snow slab is required. As crack speed measurements can give insight into the... -
Dataset for "Dynamic crack propagation in weak snowpack layers: Insights from...
This data set includes material and results described in the related research article: Bergfeld, B., van Herwijnen, A., Reuter, B., Bobillier, G., Dual, J., and Schweizer, J.:... -
Running COSMO-WRF on very-high resolution over complex terrain
This is a technical documentation of the procedure to run the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model over complex alpine terrain using Consortium for Small-Scale Modeling... -
COSMO-WRF Dataset for Swiss Alps Simulations in Gray-Zone Resolution
This dataset contains simulation data for "Influence of Air Flow Features on Alpine Wind Energy Potential" (Kristianti et al., 2024). • The WRF_dia2702 and WRF_dia1103 folders... -
Novel methods to correct for observer and sampling bias in presence-only spec...
Aim: While species distribution models (SDMs) are standard tools to predict species distributions, they can suffer from observation and sampling biases, particularly... -
Cloud Optimized Raster Encoding (CORE) format
DISCLAIMER: CORE is still in development. Interested parties are warmly invited to join common development, to comment, discuss, find bugs, etc. Acknowledgement: The CORE format...