Landscape in contemporary strategic spatial plans of European Urban regions
The present dataset is part of the published scientific paper Hersperger, A.M., Bürgi, M., Wende, W., Bacău, S. and Grădinaru, S.R., 2020. Does landscape play a role in... -
How do stability corrections perform in the stable boundary layer over snow?
We used five different atmospheric turbulence datasets from four test sites, with these sites showing differences in their topographical characteristics. We chose one typical... -
ForClim is a cohort-based model that was developed to analyze successional pathways of various forest types in Central Europe. Following the standard approach of gap models... -
Processed permafrost borehole data (2394 m asl), Fluelapass A, Switzerland
Processed ground temperature measurements at the Fluelapass permafrost borehole A (FLU_0102) in canton Graubunden, Switzerland. The borehole is located at 2394 m asl on a... -
Dataset on new snow water equivalent
This dataset includes quality-controlled measurements of new snow depth (HN), new snow water equivalent (HNW), snow depth (HS), and snow water equivalent (SWE) from 41 stations... -
Data Konzeptionelles Systemmodell
This folder contains documents relevant to the project step Konzeptionelles Systemmodell. It specifically contains the following documents: 0201_Konzeptionelles... -
SPASS - new gridded climatological snow datasets for Switzerland
This dataset comprises long-term daily 1 km gridded data of snow water equivalent and snow depth for Switzerland spanning the hydrological years 1962 until 2023. The SWE data... -
Hydrochemical Data Collected during Spring-Fall 2022 in the Haute-Mentue Catc...
The dataset contains hydrochemical data collected from spring to fall 2022 in the Haute-Mentue catchment, Switzerland. This hydrochemical data includes solute concentrations and... -
Hydrochemical Data Collected during Spring-Fall 2021 in the Erlenbach Catchment
The dataset contains hydrochemical data collected from spring to fall 2021 in the Erlenbach catchment, Switzerland. This hydrochemical data includes solute concentrations and... -
High resolution global standardized drought indices
The dataset consists of the standardized precipitation (SPI) and the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) index with a 30 arcsec (~1km) horizontal... -
Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net) Data
In Memory of Dr. Konrad (Koni) Steffen Update October 2022: The GC-Net is kindly continued by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS). Starting October 3, 2022,... -
Avalanche outlines February and March 1999 from aerial imagery
for English see below Datenbeschrieb Dieser Datensatz enthält die Umrisse der 11'120 Lawinen die aus schwarzweiss Luftbildern, welche zwischen dem 25.2.1999 und dem... -
AFF agricultural land change scenarios in Europe 2015-2050
This dataset contains the spatial layers showing future land change pathways in Europe between 2015 and 2050, as simulated by the CLUMondo model and according to the... -
Photos of vegetative and reproductive parts of 560 vascular plant species tak...
This data set contains roughly 5600 photographs of plants and plant parts from 153 sites recorded in all major biogeographic regions of Switzerland using smartphone cameras.... -
AFF agricultural land change scenarios in Europe 2015-2050
Disclaimer: this dataset is made available for peer-reviewing purposes only, Please do not use it for any other purpose. This dataset contains the spatial layers showing future... -
Capillary rise rise experiments in snow using neutron radiography
This dataset consists of data related to capillary rise experiments performed with neutron radiography. There are 4 videos of capillary rise experiments as well as the files... -
Life at chilly temperatures - A collection of microorganisms from extreme hab...
The cold habitats of the Swiss Alps and the Arctic are undergoing change and are at risk of disappearing completely or partially in the future. Along with them, a poorly known... -
Data on bryophyte diversity and treatment factors in the PaNDiv experiment
This dataset was used to analyse effects of different biodiversity and functional group treatments, fertilizer and fungicide applications as well as weeding of vascular plants... -
ANEZET: Analysing Net-Zero Transformations
We have analysed past transformations in Switzerland in four environmental domains, with the aim to draw conclusions for current challenges, such as the net‐zero transformation.... -
Young forest with browsing damage
Number of regeneration trees where browsing of the shoots from the previous year was recorded in NFI’s regeneration survey. Citation: Abegg, M.; Brändli, U.-B.; Cioldi, F.;...