GCOS SWE data from 11 stations in Switzerland
This dataset contains long-term snow water equivalent and corresponding snow depth data 11 observer sites in Switzerland between 1200 and 2500 m a.s.l. compiled for the Global... -
gbif.range - An R package to generate species range maps based on ecoregions ...
Although species range may be obtained using expert maps or modeling methods, expert data is often species-limited and statistical models need more technical expertise as well... -
FORHYCS v. 1.0.0 model code
Model code, technical documentation and auxiliary files for the dynamic ecohydrological model FORHYCS (FORests and HYdrology under Climate change in Switzerland). FORHYCS... -
Forest Type NFI
Two versions of the data are currently available: 2018 and 2016. The 2018 version presents a remote sensing-based approach for a countrywide mapping of the dominant leave type... -
Figures perspective urban beekeeping
Data and code from the perspective paper "When honeybees comes to town" The .r file provides the code to generate the figures. In addition, this repository contains the data... -
Field-based eDNA analysis to detect the threatened and elusive African manatee
Data associated to the publication "Rapid field-based detection of a threatened and elusive species with environmental DNA and CRISPR-Dx" Authors: Flurin Leugger, Martina... -
Factors influencing teenagers' forest visit frequency
The data results from a questionnaire survey conducted at 8 schools in the cantons Zurich, Aargau and St. Gallen. Respondents aged 13-22 years. The aim of the survey was to gain... -
FACE: Stillberg CO2 enrichment and soil warming study
Background information High elevation ecosystems are important in research about environmental change because shifts in climate associated with anthropogenic greenhouse gas... -
Escarpment evolution drives the diversification of the Madagascar flora
Although much of the endemic biodiversity of Madagascar can be attributed to its isolation as an island in the Indian Ocean, the high rates of speciation throughout its geologic... -
Energy Cooperatives in Switzerland: Survey Results // Energiegenossenschaften...
Topic of Survey The data at hand on energy cooperatives in Switzerland were collected in 2016 as part of the project "Collective financing of renewable energy projects in... -
Distribution maps of permanent grassland habitats for Switzerland
We modelled the spatial distribution of 20 permanent grassland habitats at the level of phytosociological alliances according to the Swiss habitat typology (TypoCH; Delarze et... -
Digitizing historical plague
We present newly digitized data on 6,929 plague outbreaks that occurred between 1347 and 1900 AD across Europe. The data base on an inventory initially published 1976. For... -
Data on the diet of urban and rural bumblebees
Data on the diet of urban and rural bumblebees individuals, Bombus lapidarius and Bombus pascuorum, collected in Switzerland (cantons Bern, Basel and Zürich) obtained using... -
Data of national dishes, their similarity and trade flows
The data described in this article were collected daily over the period 4 June 2018 to 23 August 2018 and contains information of several data sources. The database includes... -
Cropland and grassland map of Switzerland based on Sentinel-2 data
We developed a map of cropland and grassland allocation for Switzerland based on several indices dominantly derived from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery captured over multiple... -
Novel methods to correct for observer and sampling bias in presence-only spec...
Aim: While species distribution models (SDMs) are standard tools to predict species distributions, they can suffer from observation and sampling biases, particularly... -
Content coding of exemption approval decisions for forest clearances
The Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) is responsible for granting exemptions for forest clearances that in principle are prohibited in Switzerland. Initiators of... -
ATREE Social Network Analysis survey on policy options regarding CO2 mitigati...
In January 2020 a social network analysis survey was conducted among forest policy stakeholders (at the organizational level) from the Canton of Lucerne as well as the national... -
ATREE Q-methodology statement sorts on forest clearances offsetting in the fo...
In Novdember 2019 about 19 experts on forest surface protection and forest clearances were invited to a workshop in order to discuss policy design and implementation problems... -
ATREE forest owners survey about climate regulation services of forests
Forest owners of the Canton of Lucerne were survey about their willingness to employ different forest management measures to provicde climate regulation services by forests. Of...