Replication Data for: Modelling Surface Turbulent Heat Fluxes Over Heterogene...
This dataset all data used, the codes developed for the modeling schemes, and the validation of the obtained results in a PhD research entitled: Modelling Surface Turbulent Heat... -
Multi-Modal Earth Observation and Deep Learning for Urban Scene Understanding
📌 This repository is a collection of all sub-repositories each of which has been been developed to solve a specific objective set by this research. The repositories are... -
Data modeling and interoperability for an inclusive and distributed land admi...
Data for the PhD thesis: Data modeling and interoperability for an inclusive and distributed land administration system: the case of a LADM based country profile for Kenya.... -
Data underlying the PhD thesis of Jati Pratomo: The Interplay Between Uncerta...
The dataset includes: 1. recap of the interview with different government institutions 2. GIS thematic data from Jakarta 3. Slum delineation result from the respondents 4.... -
Data underlying the publication: "Ontogenetic shifts by juvenile fishes highl...
Large-scale anthropogenic river modifications have caused the loss of critical floodplain nursery habitats for riverine fish, leading to population declines. Restoration efforts... -
Validation of satellite daily rainfall estimates in complex terrain of Bali I...
Satellite rainfall products have different performances in different geographic regions under different physical and climatological conditions. In this study, the objective was... -
Multi-scale assessment of interactions between surface water and groundwater ...
This is a PhD research dataset by S M Tanvir Hassan, Water Resources Department of the Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, The... -
The water system vulnerability change and future prospects of Perth, Australia
This master thesis investigated the change in water vulnerability for the city of Perth comparing the periods around 1975 with 2019. Furthermore, it assessed if the current... -
Debris, rubble piles and facade damage detection using multi-resolution optic...
The image data in this repository was the input data for the research of the Ph.D. thesis with the title: Debris, rubble piles and facade damage detection using multi-resolution... -
Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) University of ...
ITC Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente:Space for Global Development.ITC is recognized worldwide for achievements in teaching,... -
Chromo-Topographische Kaart des Rijks (1:25.000). Bonnebladen [geo-tiffs]
Dit is de eerste landsdekkende kaartserie op de schaal 1:25.000. De 706 gedrukte bladen werden in verschillende edities uitgegeven tussen 1866 en 1953. Deze seriestaat ook wel... -
Chromo-Topographische Kaart des Rijks (1:25.000). Bonnebladen [scans]
Dit is de eerste landsdekkende kaartserie van Nederland op de schaal 1:25.000. De 706 gedrukte bladen werden in verschillende edities uitgegeven tussen 1866 en 1953. Deze serie... -
GULF HYCOM 1/12 Data Set for Paper PONE-D-20-06928R1
This data set contains 2201 triads of netcdf files with output of a numerical simulation with the Hybrid Coordinate Model (HYCOM) for the geographical area 48E - 58E, 23N - 30N.... -
Flexible strategies for coping with rainfall variability : seasonal adjustmen...
One of the main manifestations of climate change is expected to be increased rainfall variability. How to deal with this in agriculture will be a major societal challenge. In... -
Microdrone-based Indoor Mapping with Graph SLAM
Unmanned aerial vehicles offer a safe and fast approach to the production of three-dimensional spatial data on the surrounding space. In this article, we present a low-cost... -
FAIRsFAIR (Fostering FAIR Data Practices in Europe) Project outputs
This dataset contains the output from the FAIRsFAIR project. Date Submitted: 2023-01-12 -
Neo4j graph dump of academic publication data
This dataset is a Neo4j graph dump, containing academic biographic publication data in the field of computing sciences. This is an integrated dataset from publicly available... -
Liana community inventory (2014-2019) in a 20 ha permanent plot in Xishuangba...
Liana community inventory (2014-2019) for each 1-ha subplot in a 20-ha permanent plot in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Date Submitted: 2023-07-11 -
Nederlandse gedragscode wetenschappelijke integriteit
Voor het goed functioneren van wetenschap is wetenschappelijke integriteit van essentieel belang. Dit geldt voor alle disciplines. Wetenschappelijk onderzoek ontleent zijn... -
EOSC-SYNERGY Landscaping Country Report The Netherlands
This dataset has been replaced with a new version: see the 'Relations' for the current version. This landscape analysis report aims to provide an overview of the policies,...