A ground-based microwave scatterometer was installed on an alpine meadow over the Tibetan Plateau to study the soil moisture and-temperature dynamics of the top soil layer and air-to-soil interface during the period August 2017 - July 2019. The radar return (amplitude and phase) of the ground surface was measured over 1 - 10 GHz in the four linear polarization combinations (vv, hh, hv, vh) at hourly or half-hourly intervals .This dataset contains both the (raw) radar return values (amplitude and phase) and the backscattering coefficients (sigma0) derived from it for four bands: 1.5 - 1.75 GHz (L-band), 2.5 - 3.0 GHz (s-band), 4.5 - 5.0 GHz (C-band), 9.0 - 10.0 GHz (X-band). Included are results from the time-series measurements over the period August 2017 - August 2018 and results of experiments (during three days in summer) where the ground backscatter was measured under various incidence- and azimuth angles. Also measurement results from calibration standards are included. Matlab scripts for retrieving sigma0 for other frequency bands are also included.Finally, in-situ measurement of volumetric soil moisture and soil temperature (at various depths), air temperature, precipitation, and short- and long wave Irradiance for the complete period are added to this dataset.
Date Submitted: 2020-12-01