Guide d’aide à la rédaction rapide de formulaires avec l’outil Open Data Kit ...
L'outil ODK est une suite de logiciels libres, à la fois un serveur (ODK Central) et une appli de collecte de données sur le terrain (ODK Collect sur Android). Il est générique... -
Data for "Factors shaping vaginal microbiota long-term community dynamics in ...
Data associated with the publication "Factors shaping vaginal microbiota long-term community dynamics in young adult women" generated in the context of the EVOLPROOF ERC... -
Data generated by MEAL fish project - 2/2
These datasets (2/2) represent the data generated by MEAL fish project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation... -
Replication Data for : "Dynamic light scattering unveils stochastic degrada...
Replication data for the article "Dynamic light scattering unveils stochastic degradation in large-pore mesoporous silica nanoparticles" The article studies the mechanism of... -
IBIS - Dataset 1 - Genome, transcriptomics and targeted metabolomics of Lacto...
This dataset comprises the complete and annotated genome of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii CIRM-BIA865, sequences of expressed genes throughout the kinetic of... -
RPG complété 2022 Région Pays de la Loire
RPG complété 2022. Complète le RPG campagne 2022 pour les départements de la région Pays de la Loire (44, 49, 53, 72, 85). (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données... -
Textual Annotation and Provenance Ontology
Textual Annotation and Provenance Ontology (TAPO) stores the results of NLP workflow processes and describes all the provenance information like tools used. TAPO is an extention... -
Data and analysis workflow for acidification and metabarcoding of serially fe...
The aim of the study was to investigate the dynamics of bacterial communities at the beginning of a backslopping process. We analysed the relationship between community... -
BBCH-based Plant Phenological Description Ontology
This RDF file contains an extension of the SKOS model to model the development stages (or phenological stages) of cultivated plants. This model defines classes representing the... -
R functions to compute potential evaporation
Functions in R language to compute potential evaporation with six different formula: Pennman-Monteith, Pennman, Hamon, Hargreaves, Priestley-Taylor, Morton. Another R function... -
A joint database of French catchments and piezometers
The database of streamflow and groundwater level data that was used for the following study: Pelletier, Antoine and Andréassian, Vazken, A surface view on groundwater level... -
High-frequency acquisition of stream chemical data on ORACLE observatory
Observational data from ionic chromatography and physico-chemical probes. All data is measured at high-frequency. Data have been collected during CRITEX/EQUIPEX project on the... -
Material parameters of a phase field model used to simulate brittle fracture ...
Data and scripts used to identify the material parameters of a phase field model for the brittle fracture of spruce specimens. EasyFEA, 1.0.3 -
Historical Phenology Data from Observatory St-Maur-des-Fossés, INRAE Versaill...
Données d'observation sur la phénologie de plusieurs plantes (Arbres, arbustes, fruitiers, plantes vivaces...) de l'Observatoire du Parc St-Maur entre les années 1875 et 1947.... -
Fiches de diagnostic régional des modèles hydrogéologiques du projet Explore2
Un diagnostic des modèles hydrogéologiques mobilisés dans le projet Explore2 a fait l’objet d’un rapport détaillé (Sauquet et al., 2023). Ce diagnostic repose sur une sélection... -
Seasonal variations in the fraction of visible radiation intercepted by the t...
Afin d’aider à la caractérisation de la phénologie foliaire chez le mélèze hybride (Larix decidua x Larix kaempferi) et de sa variabilité, des données expérimentales des... -
Dataset from the DIVEGFOOD system experiment reporting on diversified agroeco...
The dataset describes variables collected from the DIVEGFOOD experiment (“DIVersified protected VEGetable systems in line with their FOOD supply chains”) that was set up at the... -
French Crop Usage Ontology
This ontology specialized the skos model to create a new class Crop subclass of skos:Concept. fcuo:Crop is a defined class. Thus a reasoner like Hermit should be used to... -
BioAGgressor Ontology
This ontology was build during the D2KAB project. The goal is to model all the living organisms involved in cultivated plant disease appearance. The ontology and its... -
Points du réseau de référence piézométrique
Support SIG (.shp) des points du réseau de référence piézométrique