Toward Understanding the B[e] Phenomenon. IX

We present the results of optical and near-IR spectroscopy and multicolor photometry of the emission-line star MWC 645, which exhibits the B[e] phenomenon. The presence of positionally variable absorption lines of a cool star detected for the first time indicates that the object is a binary system. Using a combination of the photometric and spectroscopic data as well as the Gaia EDR3 distance (D=6.5{+/-}0.9kpc), we disentangled the components' contributions and estimated their surface temperatures and luminosities (18000{+/-}2000K and 4250{+/-}250K, log(L/L{sun})=4.0{+/-}0.5 and 3.1{+/-}0.3 for the hot and cool components, respectively). Quasi-cyclic short-period (months) and long-period (~4yr) photometric variations were detected in both optical and near-IR regions, and are most likely due to variable circumstellar extinction. Our analysis suggests that MWC 645 is a member of the FS CMa group. The object's properties can be described by an evolutionary model of a close binary system that currently undergoes a nonconservative mass transfer between intermediate-mass stars (e.g., 7M{sun}+2.8M{sun}).

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Creator Nodyarov A.S.; Miroshnichenko A.S.; Khokhlov S.A.; Zharikov S.V.,Manset N.; Klochkova V.G.; Grankin K.N.; Arkharov A.A.; Efimova N.,Klimanov S.; Larionov V.M.; Rudy R.J.; Puetter R.C.; Perry R.B.,Reva I.V.; Omarov C.T.; Kokumbaeva R.I.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy