Multitemporal image analysis for monitoring fuzzy shorelines


The dataset present remote sensing images that were used to extract shoreline information in the northern part of Central Java, Indonesia. In each file, the data are divided into date of acquisition. These remote sensing images are available for the various years start from 1988 up to 2017 as explain in the related publications.

Metadata Access
Creator R.S. Dewi
Publisher DANS Data Station Phys-Tech Sciences
Contributor M Th Koelen
Publication Year 2018
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact M Th Koelen (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/plain; image/jpeg; application/octet-stream; application/dbf; application/prj; application/shp; application/shx; text/xml; image/tiff; application/x-hdf; image/png; application/pdf; text/html; application/zip; application/gml+xml; application/x-stata-14; image/jp2
Size 345; 168141; 3966; 606; 145; 332; 108; 969; 1864; 1447; 12061; 1209501195; 115307; 476; 3479; 15130; 1335727119; 444; 60125; 1750; 524; 2418; 508; 124; 5262; 6711; 3212; 1244; 12365; 1732; 196; 130529658; 11965; 80926294; 89826989; 11986; 80826652; 810; 42377; 58643; 44797; 22694; 20745; 780; 247900; 818244; 651; 786; 115284; 125931; 126625; 89299; 89654; 347598; 5115; 214611; 2195; 5400; 17450; 3346; 3453; 2342; 2423; 1801048846; 1423528846; 100444; 26; 126189520; 124377222; 504817012; 497568700; 3425; 4064; 213; 20583; 20585; 210; 20591; 22112; 20590; 19520; 18902; 0; 345344; 702618; 53261; 73089; 428; 1451; 2167; 6450; 6452; 6457; 6454; 6453; 6449; 6444; 6448; 6446; 2224; 2910; 1480; 11015132; 44393; 466395; 134188; 491964; 388908; 376419; 376380; 377445; 490620; 6381371; 376319; 481484; 145404; 490625; 766940; 809163; 116437; 173044; 127238; 183889; 100128; 158374; 108611; 166921; 15068; 2206; 5127; 560; 776; 2131; 2637; 2399; 2586; 2436; 12718; 12712; 12725; 12709; 3757874; 96870980; 97860177; 99916968; 28816902; 30751732; 31584504; 109542035; 3556496; 1983805; 28830210; 28081014; 31996562; 2544648; 407; 6566; 6568; 6551; 6553; 6567; 6564; 6565; 6563; 6557; 6572; 11972960; 1015122; 49590; 166172; 1022; 1110; 144789; 95442; 70794; 43422; 778; 2434; 2809; 3538; 1890; 28257; 33074; 38897; 38959; 3032175; 88912530; 91464759; 93423189; 26535660; 29733556; 30805630; 109417591; 2833313; 1510517; 27359890; 26388680; 31224316; 166335; 128197725; 6028; 21144; 10453; 10331; 642; 2034; 10896; 10843
Version 1.0
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Natural Sciences