Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The Mayor's Office for Policing And Crime Public Attitude Survey is a well-established survey conducted by Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC) that measures Londoners' confidence in the police. It provides information that helps to set the strategic direction for policing and supports continuous improvement at the borough level. It is a continuous survey based on a random sample of respondents at pre-selected addresses, with a total of 3,200 Londoners normally interviewed face-to-face each quarter to yield an annual sample of 12,800 interviews. The survey is designed to achieve 100 interviews each quarter in the 32 London Boroughs (excluding the City of London) in order to provide a borough-level sample of 400 interviews in any 12-month rolling period. For further information, see documentation and the MOPAC data and statistics webpages.BackgroundThe survey was previously known as the Metropolitan Police Public Attitudes Survey. In April 2014, MOPAC took responsibility for it, hence the name change. Users should note that these data were previously available for 2000-2015 from the UKDS, but in January 2019 the data were withdrawn to enable the data owner to conduct a review of governance around data sharing and publication. The data are currently only available from 2015 onwards.New edition informationFor the eighth edition (May 2024), data and documentation covering 2015 to 2022 were deposited.
Main Topics:
Topics covered in the PAS include: local area and community; fear of crime and local crime problems; anti-social behaviour; terrorism; attitudes to policing; victimisation; contact with police; the criminal justice system; communication with the police; general views on the police and the law; demographic details and household information.
Multi-stage stratified random sample
Face-to-face interview