Data of Towed Instrument Array (TIA) during the Mission Microbiomes with the RV Tara on two transects in Amazon Plume region


For almost two years, the Tara schooner travelled 70,000 kilometres in the South Atlantic along the entire South American coastline to Antarctica and off the West African coast as part of the Microbiomes Experiment from the EU-AtlantECO project, which funded 42 research institutions from around the world. The experiments aimed to provide knowledge-based resources for better understanding and management of the Atlantic Ocean and its ecosystem services, to investigate the benefits of the marine microbiome and its interactions with climate and pollution. The towed instrument array (TIA), with 10 CTDs installed at different water depths, was towed by the Tara schooner on two transects in the Amazon Plume Experiment. The TIA recorded pressure, temperature, conductivity and fluorescence or oxygen over a distance of 262 km and 274 km respectively.

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Metadata Access
Creator Calil, Paulo H R; Riethmüller, Rolf ORCID logo; Kock, Thomas ORCID logo; Heineke, Martina; Iudicone, Daniele (ORCID: 0000-0002-7473-394X); Pesant, Stephane ORCID logo; Mission Microbiomes, AtlantECO
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Horizon 2020 Crossref Funder ID 862923 Atlantic ECOsystems assessment, forecasting & sustainability
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 19 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-50.863W, 5.664S, -49.644E, 9.408N); Atlantic Ocean
Temporal Coverage Begin 2021-08-30T23:42:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2021-09-02T14:54:08Z