Station information for GPS stations on bedrock for Antarctica and the sub An...
The GIANT-REGAIN (Geodynamics In ANTarctica based on REprocessing GNSS dAta Initiative) project aimed to process and provide consistent GPS time series of all available GPS... -
Occurrence of microplastics including tire wear particles in northern Atlanti...
This data set provides mass quantitative data of microplastics (MP) including tire wear particles (TWP) in northern Atlantic air. Air samples were taken with two different... -
Occurrence of microplastics including tire wear particles in northern Atlanti...
This data set provides mass quantitative data of microplastics (MP) including tire wear particles (TWP) in northern Atlantic air. Air samples were taken with two different... -
Enrichment factors of microplastics and tire wear particles in sea water of S...
1 stands for not detected#2 stands for only detected in SML# 3 stands for only detected in ULW -
Microplastic and tire wear particle mass loads in the sea surface microlayer ...
9 stands for not detected#0 stands for not quantified -
Microplastic and tire wear particle mass loads in the overlying air in Swedis...
9 stands for not detected#0 stands for not quantified -
Age control points of sediment cores GeoB22229-1 and GeoB22230-1 from R/V SON...
Tie points used to create the age-depth models of sediment core SO256_29-1 (GeoB22229-1) and SO256_30-1 (GeoB22230-1). The tie points are based on the alignment of the G. ruber... -
Hydrographic data measurements in the Pearl River estuary, China
This dataset has no description
Inter-comparison of XRF core scanning results from IODP Site 346-U1424 and 34...
Over the course of four years (2014 to 2017), the set of seven u-channels was shipped around the world to seven labs with XRF scanners including, in no particular order, the... -
(Table 2) Mean snow accumulation rate, and mean methane sulfonate, chloride a...
This dataset has no description
Pollen in surface sediments in the Arctic Siberia
In total, 111 modern surface lake sediments were analysed on their pollen spectra. Field work was conducted between 2006 and 2011 during joint Russian-German expeditions in the... -
Carbon/Thorium ratios from in situ pumps during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXV/3 (...
This dataset has no description
Calculated downward export flux based on surface thorium depletion and assumi...
This dataset has no description
Vertical profiles of Thorium-234 relative to Uranium-238 activity measured du...
This dataset has no description
Abundance of Gamma-A nifH genes in the northern South China Sea
This dataset has no description
(Table 2) Delta 15N values of suspended organic matter collected from the Roc...
In most cases sPOM was collected close to the benthic boundary layer (BBL), i.e. 10-30 m above bottom. -
(Table 1) Delta 15N isotope ratios of the deep water corals Lophelia pertusa ...
Mean value of Lophelia pertusa = 8.75, std dev = 1.42; mean value of Madrepora oculata = 7.71, std dev = 0.91 -
One-year high-resolution time series of organic trace substances in a Baltic ...
A highly temporally and spatially resolved measurement campaign was conducted over a one-year period to analyze water samples for a total of 35 pharmaceuticals, pesticides and... -
Microplastic particle characteristics during Manta trawls in the North and So...
The study aimed to collect and analyze microplastic samples from the surface waters of the North and South Atlantic Oceans, conducted onboard the Bark Europa, a traditional... -
Literature based stable carbon and oxygen isotope data from benthic foraminif...
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope data from benthic foraminifera in the northern North Atlantic and Nordic Seas since the Last Glacial Maximum. Data are compiled from the...