JSON and HTML files. The dataset includes the 5 KBs generated plus the evaluation subsets used in the manual evaluation (top 100 and random 100). The best version of the dataset (the one with higher precision) is KBSF-th. Informació addicional: http://mtg.upf.edu/node/3526
Knowledge Base automatically extracted from songfacts.com following the methodology described in the following paper: Sergio Oramas, Luis Espinosa-Anke, Mohamed Sordo, Horacio Saggion, Xavier Serra, Information extraction for knowledge base construction in the music domain, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Available online 7 June 2016, ISSN 0169-023X, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.datak.2016.06.001./nThe dataset includes the 5 KBs generated plus the evaluation subsets used in the manual evaluation (top 100 and random 100). The best version of the dataset (the one with higher precision) is KBSF-th. Further information about the dataset and the evaluation results can be found in the paper.