Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The Expenditure and Food Survey, 2005-2006: Teaching Dataset includes all 6,785 households from the main Expenditure and Food Survey, 2005-2006 (EFS) dataset (available from the UKDA under SN 5688) and a subset of 176 variables. All the variables included within the dataset are household level (or household reference person level) variables and there is a mix of discrete and continuous variables. Most of the variables are taken directly from the EFS, 2005-2006, however a small number of variables have been derived for the purposes of this teaching dataset. The SPSS syntax for the derivation of all derived variables is available for reference. (Note that the main Expenditure and Food Survey has now become the Living Costs and Food Survey, but titles of older studies in the series remain the same.)
Main Topics:
The dataset contains a number of socio-demographic variables plus a large number of expenditure variables. Variables p601t – p612t are ‘top-level’ variables for a particular area of expenditure. For example, p601t is total household expenditure on food and non-alcoholic beverages; p604t is total household expenditure on housing, water, fuel and electricity. Three of the expenditure categories are further broken down into detailed expenditure on particular items, these are:p601t – food and non-alcoholic beverage p603t – clothing and footwear p607t – transport costs
Multi-stage stratified random sample
Face-to-face interview