Time-Response Evaluation by Transcriptomics of Methylmercury Effects on Neural Differentiation of Murine Embryonic Stem Cells


The researchers analyzed gene expression patterns during neural cell differentiation of pluripotent murine embryonic stem cells. This was done at multiple time points during the differentiation protocol (to describe normal neural cell differentiation over time) and in the presence or absence of the well-known neurotoxicant methylmercury (MeHg) (to characterize effects of neurodevelopmental toxic exposure).For additional information see also the Relationfield with a link to the website 'Array Express - Functional Genomics Data'.

Date Submitted: 2013-04-04

DOI https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-26n-grkt
Metadata Access https://lifesciences.datastations.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.17026/dans-26n-grkt
Creator JLA Pennings
Publisher DANS Data Station Life Sciences
Contributor JLA Pennings; PT Theunissen (RIVM); JF Robinson (RIVM); SMH Claessen (Maastricht University); JCS Kleinjans (Maastricht University); AH Piersma (RIVM)
Publication Year 2013
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
OpenAccess true
Contact JLA Pennings (RIVM)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/octet-stream; application/pdf; text/plain; application/zip; application/gzip
Size 10056156; 10057108; 10056348; 10056498; 10056264; 10056448; 10055848; 10056216; 10057096; 10056784; 10057428; 10056936; 10056144; 10056168; 10057200; 10059276; 10056176; 10056032; 10057392; 10056824; 10056220; 10057144; 10056336; 10057044; 10056564; 10056566; 10056868; 10056904; 10056224; 10056188; 10056172; 10056092; 10057348; 10057600; 10056288; 10056638; 10056268; 10057212; 10056360; 10056096; 10056376; 10056296; 10056164; 10056200; 10056136; 10056762; 10056260; 10061908; 10057616; 10056684; 10056388; 10057364; 10055972; 10056322; 10057564; 10056248; 10056438; 10056240; 10056704; 10056446; 10055984; 10056116; 10056404; 10057956; 10057204; 10056522; 10056780; 10058188; 10056140; 10056984; 10056436; 11532; 537651; 51130; 3366951; 17712201; 21964; 7006
Version 2.0
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine