Nanoscale Networks of Metal Oxides by Polymer Imprinting and Templating for Future Adaptable Electronics


Data for the manuscript 'Nanoscale Networks of Metal Oxides by Polymer Imprinting and Templating for Future Adaptable Electronics'. The dataset contains the raw (and processed) data used in the manuscript, including data from AFM, cAFM, PFM, GISAXS, GIWAXS, and XPS measurements.

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Berg, Alexandra I. ORCID logo; Jonkman, Harry; Loos, Katja ORCID logo; Portale, Guiseppe ORCID logo; Noheda, Beatriz ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Groningen Digital Competence entre
Publication Year 2022
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Groningen Digital Competence entre (University of Groningen)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document; text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; text/plain; application/octet-stream; text/csv; text/x-fixed-field; application/; audio/x-aiff; image/png; text/x-python
Size 165; 162; 127; 36; 4521; 1129536; 3564; 867392; 2172; 2081; 115; 8243; 227; 2795; 2704; 121; 7986; 225; 1459; 1368; 118; 6942; 226; 4609; 194; 25648; 374; 4518; 384; 40642; 749; 2809; 2718; 70823; 70821; 70730; 70732; 1728; 9429; 1637; 1720; 1629; 1717; 8131; 1626; 117; 8125; 1727; 113; 8253; 1636; 10086; 70517; 70426; 153; 9810; 300; 31875; 8770; 1404; 1313; 2694; 187; 24284; 373; 2603; 122; 8126; 69223; 69132; 2673; 7597; 2582; 2340; 119; 10350; 2249; 736320; 3814; 1730; 178; 10087; 372; 1639; 5559; 7850; 14999; 9055; 15411; 158; 16154; 301; 41317; 2359; 2268; 265; 53153; 517; 48977; 3709; 3618; 3529; 196; 34520; 41097; 3438; 8771; 48237; 80052; 79961; 474176; 1056768; 13296; 419; 53768; 819; 417; 53787; 817; 51482; 253; 36913; 14423; 4031; 13166; 855485; 3286234; 655372; 860522; 231300; 4095804; 27803; 52596; 17739; 16651; 15773; 11698; 483360; 288271; 12840; 855425; 6475837; 6475803; 6475865; 6475771; 3290206; 3290173; 1695036; 67415; 12536; 15138; 42900; 14744; 14850; 49664; 1327; 648
Version 1.0
Discipline Chemistry; Natural Sciences; Physics