Distracting Downpour - Adversarial Weather Attacks for Motion Estimation (Replication Data)


This dataset contains the generated weather configurations as png and npz files.

Python, 3.10.12

This dataset contains the weather data files to replicate the results from our publication, and to test the robustness of further optical flow methods under diverse weather effects.

We provide the randomly weather-augmented versions of the Sintel dataset as .png files (the respective files are called _png.zip) for all weather configurations from the paper. Note that the four main weather variants (snow, rain, sparks and fog) correspond to the following configurations: snow=particles_3000, rain=rain_1500, sparks=color_additive_red, fog=size_fog. A smaller dataset sample that contains selected scene samples for the four main augmentations can be found in weather_sampledata.zip . In addition to the .png files we also provide the raw weather data as loadable .npz files (the respective datasets are called _npz.zip), which can be processed with the provided code.

Overall, we provide the following files:

Sample data for snow, rain, sparks and fog as PNG:

weather_sampledata.zip: a reduced-size dataset sample for small-scale experiments

Random weather augmentations for Sintel as PNG:

particles_1000_png.zip : 1000 random snowflakes particles_2000_png.zip : 2000 random snowflakes particles_3000_png.zip : 3000 random snowflakes (snow) particles_3000_train_png.zip : 3000 random snowflakes with a new random seed, used to train RAFT particles_4000_png.zip : 4000 random snowflakes particles_5000_png.zip : 5000 random snowflakes rain_0375_png.zip : rain streaks with motion blur length 0.0375 rain_0750_png.zip : rain streaks with motion blur length 0.075 rain_1125_png.zip : rain streaks with motion blur length 0.1125 rain_1500_png.zip : rain streaks with motion blur length 0.15 (rain) color_additive_white_png.zip : random white sparks with additive color color_alpha_white_png.zip : random white sparks with alpha-blended color color_additive_red_png.zip : random red sparks with additive color (sparks) color_alpha_red_png.zip : random red sparks with alpha-blended color color_additive_green_png.zip : random green sparks with additive color color_alpha_green_png.zip : random green sparks with alpha-blended color color_additive_blue_png.zip : random blue sparks with additive color color_alpha_blue_png.zip : random blue sparks with alpha-blended color color_additive_color_png.zip : randomly colored sparks with additive color color_alpha_color_png.zip : randomly colored sparks with alpha-blended color size_small_png.zip : random small particles size_medium_png.zip : random medium-sized particles size_large_png.zip : random large particles size_fog_png.zip : random large with less opacity particles (fog)

Random weather augmentations for Sintel as NPZ:

particles_3000_npz.zip : 3000 random snowflakes (snow) rain_1500_npz.zip : rain streaks with motion blur length 0.15 (rain) color_red_npz.zip : random red sparks (sparks) size_fog_npz.zip : random large with less opacity particles (fog)

For the exact parameters used to create the weather effects, please refer to the supplementary material of the linked publication.

For the project website with detailed instructions on how to use the files see github.com/cv-stuttgart/DistractingDownpour.

DOI https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-3677
Metadata Access https://darus.uni-stuttgart.de/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.18419/darus-3677
Creator Schmalfuss, Jenny (ORCID: 0000-0001-8507-927X); Mehl, Lukas (ORCID: 0009-0001-0548-728X); Bruhn, Andrés ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Schmalfuss, Jenny; Bruhn, Andrés
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference DFG 251654672
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
OpenAccess true
Contact Schmalfuss, Jenny (Universität Stuttgart); Bruhn, Andrés (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Size 1175415417; 1201015952; 1174710824; 1170483409; 1237507597; 1147900514; 1162187296; 1143947235; 1136094542; 1198698394; 1379991676; 1065118768; 1130204689; 4082796469; 1187896628; 1188212158; 1240113189; 1288068334; 1176673045; 1150656231; 1137779333; 2259554084; 1125031385; 15223572280; 904005849; 1009735871; 1092416307; 1232419127; 39530875
Version 1.0
Discipline Other