Replication Data for: Synergy of Airborne Thermal Infrared Imagery and Light Detection And Ranging for Geothermal Mapping


This is the data for PhD thesis entitled "Synergy of Airborne Thermal Infrared Imagery and Light Detection And Ranging for Geothermal Mapping". The relevant data are provided to reproduce the results.

Metadata Access
Creator Y.R. Freski ORCID logo; C. Hecker ORCID logo; M. van der Meijde (ORCID: 0000-0002-8762-585X); A. Setianto ORCID logo
Publisher DANS Data Station Physical and Technical Sciences
Contributor Freski, Yan Restu
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference GEOCAP Indonesia - Netherlands ; PT ASI Pudjiastuti Geosurvey
Rights CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Freski, Yan Restu (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation)
Resource Type Survey data; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; text/csv; application/octet-stream; image/tiff; text/xml; text/plain
Size 3687; 1584; 90; 253936764; 4454; 15413425; 232830308; 4383; 14801417; 245415524; 4458; 17687452; 195074660; 4456; 14538447; 113270756; 4054; 4962155; 879771589; 2771; 160330492; 921794657; 2836; 173990999; 1037107489; 2505; 340255055; 221714473; 5314; 594239; 685830; 823841; 951289; 1039074; 1199785; 1174115; 1372744; 1274260; 1474171; 1364671; 1587710; 1339884; 1554413; 1268576; 1471195; 1247316; 1447786; 1052321; 1216948; 1332331; 1537124; 2296305; 2651446; 2295422; 2651211; 2296674; 2651347; 2296136; 2650927; 2285278; 2664449; 2285361; 2643409; 2297543; 2670408; 2296607; 2664790; 2296855; 2663877; 2295641; 2663759; 2295483; 2656139; 2297126; 2651426; 2297489; 2651185; 2295759; 2651024; 2295686; 2651370; 2297067; 2651488; 2285682; 2664225; 2284643; 2643807; 2296078; 2669769; 2296544; 2664947; 2297704; 2663851; 2295642; 2663694; 2446269; 2831386
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Earth and Environmental Science; Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Natural Sciences