The dataset_2 comprises NMR raw data acquired on 19 accessions having atypical outer mucilage properties (Fabrissin et al., 2019). Accessions are from the Versailles Arabidopsis stock center ( and are listed by their Versailles identification number in a four-digit format. Seed lots were produced from plants in two cultivations series c or d. Each raw data file is identified by a name which is the combination of the seed lot (lot2), the cultivation serie (C or D) followed by “imb-“, the imbibition time (t0 or H23) and the accession code. Data correspond to intact seeds imbibed in water (code 6). Data were recorded using a Time-Domain spectrometer (Minispec BRUKER, Germany) operating at 0.47T (resonance frequency of 20 MHz) at 20°C. The FID-CPMG sequence was used using the following parameters : a 90° pulse close to 2.8 µs, a dwell time of 0.4 µs for a FID duration of 60 µs, 16 scans, a recycle delay of 5 s, an echo time of 0.2 ms with 8000 or 5000 data points, depending on the imbibition time.