Ecological and phenotypic trait dataset for 12 European forest tree species f...
GenTree is a European Union project financed under the Horizon 2020 framework (2016-2020). The goal of GenTree was to improve the status and use of European in-situ and ex-situ... -
Replication Data for: Populations of the Beet Cyst Nematode Heterodera schach...
It is widely accepted that climate has an essential influence on the distribution of species and that temperature is the major abiotic factor that affects their life-history... -
Code from Structure of multilocus genetic diversity in predominantly selfing ...
We provide here scripts allowing forward simulations of temporal samples in several demographic scenarios using SLiM 2.6, and converting the output into microsatellite data... -
Leaf phenology data of Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba on Mount Ventoux (Franc...
This dataset contains observations of leaf phenology of two forest tree species, European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and silver fir (Abies alba Mill.). This dataset is highly... -
Phenological data of 26 varieties of apple, apricot, cherry trees and peach t...
These datasets contain phenological observations on 7 apple, apricot, cherry varieties or mutants and 5 peach varieties evaluated since 2016. These data come from observations... -
Survival and growth of 711 forest tree taxa in eight French arboretums from t...
Abstract The dataset is checklist of 711 native and exotic forest tree taxa (species, subspecies and arieties) from 177 genera worldwide, their survival and growth in eight... -
Conifer exome capture data
Variant calling files (vcf) and associated sample descriptions (metadata) for five conifer species -
Effects of plant functional group removal on structure and function of soil c...
We used a biodiversity manipulation experiment that has been running for 19 years across a chronosequence consisting of 30 forested islands in two adjacent lakes in the boreal... -
Data associated to the paper "A genomic map of climate adaptation in Mediterr...
This dataset consists of genotypes of 640 animals for 39921 variants (SNPs). Animals belong to 21 Mediterranean cattle populations. The compressed archive contains two files (in... -
Organic farming at local and landscape scales fosters biological pest control...
Raw data on predation rates in vineyards. Based on sentinel approaches -
Phenotypic trait dataset of Pinus pinea from five common gardens of the INRAE...
Données sur les traits phénotypiques de Pinus pinea mesurés dans les jardins communs du réseau INRAE de génétique forestière pour la recherche et l'expérimentation (GEN4X). Ce... -
Flore associée au pied des arbres d'alignement (un boulevard à Dijon, France)
Un inventaire floristique a été réalisé au mois d’avril 2010 sur 76 pieds d’arbres d’alignements répartis le long d'un boulevard à Dijon. Quarante sept espèces ont été recensées... -
Depth distribution of soil carbon age inferred from natural 13C labelling met...
Depth profiles soil organic carbon turnover estimated by the natural 13C labelling technique. Data have been collected from published articles plus original data... -
Rsyst::diatom_rbcl_align_312bp database: a database adapted to DNA metabarcod...
Method followed to obtain the Rsyst::diatom_rbcl_align_312bp database: 1/ Extraction of the 312bp rbcL barcode from the full Rsyst::diatom database rbcL alignment (using... -
Biochem-Env: a platform of biochemistry for research in environmental and agr...
Biochemical indicators are potent tools to assess ecosystem functioning under anthropic and global pressures. Nevertheless, additional work is needed to improve the methods used... -
CBGP - Continental Arthropod Collection
The Continental Arthropod Collection is a Center of Biological Resources hosted in the research center : CBGP - Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion des Populations, in... -
Données des relevées d’adventices en fermeture de couvert sur les parcelles e...
Sur le parcellaire de l’IE ASTER environ 70 zones de fertilité ont été identifiées (zones intra-parcellaires de 90 mètres carrés, choisies pour être représentatives d’une... -
Sporangia size and number relationship for Phytophthora infestans isolates
Phenotypic data (sporangia size and sporangia number) of P. infestans isolates obtained in three infection experiments conducted under controlled conditions. -
Biomass of phytoplankton assemblages in Lake Geneva 1974-2010
Sampling has been continuously undertaken in the middle of the lake at the deepest point, once or twice a month. The studied environmental factors used in this study were... -
Inter-laboratory evaluation of the standard ISO 20130:2018 “Soil quality - Me...
This document presents the supporting information (i.e. the global tables of results) obtained during the Inter-laboratory evaluation of the standard ISO 20130:2018 “Soil...