This dataset contains 50 individuals of Indigenous, European and colonial ceramics recovered from different sites in the Área Fundacional of Mendoza (Argentina). Pedro del Castillo founded the town on March 2 1561. The sample includes glazed coarse ware (MDZ160 to 167, 170 to 172, 181, 185, 187), majolica (MDZ168, 169, 173 to 180, 182 to 184, 186), Viluco Inca (MDZ188 to 195), Viluco Inca Mixto (MDZ196 to 201) and Cerámica temprana (MDZ202 to 216). Thirty-eight individuals have been chemically characterised by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WD-XRF) and 20 by neutron activation analysis (NAA). Eight individuals, thus, have been analysed by both techniques.