Biomechanical testing of ex vivo porcine tendons following high intensity focused ultrasound thermal ablation


vivo porcine tendons (n=72) were embedded in an agar phantom and randomly assigned to 12 groups based on MRgFUS treatment. The treatment time was 10, 20, or 30s, and the applied acoustic power was 25, 50, 75, or 100W. Following each MRgFUS treatment, tendons underwent biomechanical tensile testing on an Instron machine, which calculated stress-strain curves during tendon elongation. Rupture rate, maximum treatment temperature, Young’s modulus and ultimate strength were analyzed for each treatment energy.

Metadata Access
Creator W. Chu Kwan ORCID logo
Publisher DANS Data Station Physical and Technical Sciences
Contributor Chu Kwan, William
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Chu Kwan, William (Hospital for Sick Children)
Resource Type Dataset
Format image/png; application/octet-stream
Size 664379; 919199; 780523; 937046; 833268; 657192; 898562; 656132; 812061; 910237; 657205; 910011; 657243; 921549; 1017249; 880414; 656019; 853345; 663709; 879496; 676037; 791100; 894000; 887346; 754691; 865045; 638953; 865057; 870535; 874110; 725439; 837772; 609137; 827132; 62850; 326272; 68690; 58810; 326254; 92210; 326250; 27850; 326230; 41690; 671213; 912363; 626304; 916394; 638545; 999693; 860822; 916045; 628095; 913951; 653111; 1019215; 943815; 880275; 764360; 932841; 708936; 884968; 993291; 884685; 624124; 930138; 669390; 861075; 642179; 968935; 924843; 964672; 628004; 958834; 919711; 971774; 636617; 625200; 60530; 326270; 40290; 326184; 983177; 954691; 905654; 997982; 644699; 938702; 894721; 1002571; 633838; 659993; 668949; 936705; 842926; 801018; 650471; 937845; 834256; 774184; 624029; 604201; 625038; 907588; 928358; 1000146; 609320; 902027; 906735; 982650; 663713; 674800; 79410; 326260; 19970; 326318; 21610; 326222; 613200; 875395; 877422; 869042; 597204; 870545; 858078; 824024; 635659; 652905; 887045; 875456; 810134; 858282; 1088133; 713951; 865782; 911345; 889239; 818259; 643270; 627900; 23130; 326218; 67650; 326754; 58554; 355408; 24010; 326308; 34130; 326224; 24250; 326316; 24130; 326386; 38890; 326380; 26370; 61930; 326094; 326334; 27050; 326198; 27530; 21250; 47490; 326240; 326300; 45930; 106490; 326268; 21370; 326366; 28490; 326426; 27490; 36250; 326328; 326236; 35610; 31010; 19050; 35490; 326342; 326376; 326322; 50690; 52130; 326816; 21490; 30010; 326382; 43970; 33410; 326358; 326148; 50570; 326282; 43610; 21090; 49970; 326242; 326314; 326336; 23090; 51330; 326340; 326288; 25970; 326120; 23250; 326192; 21930; 326348; 35010; 326256; 25570; 22690; 28210; 326150; 326100; 28530; 31970; 326258; 26130; 326302; 39050; 326378; 26810; 326084; 23850; 326278; 20850; 22770; 50730; 326310; 326294; 26050; 31130; 326330; 326178; 32610; 33170; 326204; 326142; 21730; 326126; 20650; 20330; 34810; 326276; 326124; 326264; 25890; 33770; 326132; 27290; 326202; 34530; 326374; 33850; 39250; 23770; 326146; 20050; 18930; 43490; 326320; 326326; 23410; 46410; 61439; 326164; 27250; 36530; 29170; 326188; 25490; 17010; 41730; 25050; 39010; 326332; 326284; 23570; 29530; 326154; 37370; 24090; 326292; 52530; 326312; 35810; 326274; 326290; 26730; 326304; 30050; 24770; 326324; 31490; 21530; 50890; 307195; 20210; 41210; 34370; 30330; 326194; 32650; 44034; 326244; 355622; 39970; 326280; 21570; 60210; 20610; 42130; 42450; 326232; 396800; 408064; 373248
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences