The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the survey are: - eating habits and alcohol consumption - smoking habits (electronic cigarettes too) - health conditions - mass-media use - libraries use - PC and Internet use, IT skills - purchase of goods and services online - cell phone/smartphone use - cultural consumption (cinema, theatre, books) - religious, political, and social participation - use of public services and public utility services and degree of satisfaction - use of health services and degree of satisfaction - environmental issues - safety - general satisfaction, trust in people and institutions - relationship with local territory - education and training - daily commuting - leisure time - domestic accidents - physical activity and sports - relationship with friends, family and neighbourhood - working conditions - electricity and gas consumption - characteristics of the house and the area - private services to households - accessibility to the area services - possession of home appliances and means of transport - possession of books and of IT equipment, Internet connection - household economic situation
18,527 families; 42,810 individuals. Two-stage stratified random sample.
face to face interview
self-administered questionnaire
web-based self-administered questionnaire (CAWI)