Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The Financial Services Culture Board (FSCB) was a not-for-profit membership body open to regulated financial services firms with operations in the UK. It existed to help raise standards of behaviour and competence in UK financial services organisations for the benefit of customers, clients and society as a whole. The FSCB Annual Survey of Culture (2016-2022) gathered employee observations, perceptions and beliefs on culture, behaviour and competence at financial services organisations operating in the UK. It was an online survey of employees working at financial services organisations (predominantly banks and building societies) that were part of the FSCB’s membership. In total, from 2016 to 2022, more than 378,000 responses were received, with around 20 to 30 firms typically participating each year. The core component of the Survey consisted of 36 questions, each asked on a 5-point agreement scale. Each question corresponded to one of the nine characteristics of the FSCB Assessment Framework (honesty, respect, openness, accountability, competence, reliability, organisational and personal resilience, responsiveness, and shared purpose). Some questions also corresponded to one of three clusters: leadership, speaking up, and customer focus. With the exception of some small changes in 2017, the core components of the Survey were kept constant to allow progress to be tracked over time. The Survey explored additional themes that varied each year (e.g. speaking up and inclusion) through additional questions. The Survey also included demographic questions to allow the experiences and perceptions of different groups to be explored. The datasets provide: a) the aggregated results of the Survey, applying a population-weighting approach based on the headcounts of participating firms; b) a breakdown of results to the Survey across different demographic groups; and c) the range of results across benchmarked firms with breakdowns by business areas and functions.As of the 23rd of June 2023, the FSCB have closed. The FSCB have tried to provide as much information in their documentation as possible. Please note that due to this closure, users should be aware that queries around the data may not be answered.
Main Topics:
Culture of financial services organisations in the UK
See documentation for details