Replication Data for: Irrigation as a potential driver for anomalous glacier behaviour in High Mountain Asia


Data for reproduction of figures in the manuscript: de Kok, R. J., Tuinenburg, O. A., Bonekamp, P. N. J., & Immerzeel, W. W. (2018). Irrigation as a potential driver for anomalous glacier behavior in High Mountain Asia. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 2047–2054. Output from other variables can be obtained on request from Remco de Kok ( or Walter Immerzeel (

File names indicate the year of ERA-INTERIM forcing, the irrgation case, and the greenhouse gas case, as described in the paper. Variables in the files are: lat - Latitude (Degrees North); lon - Longitude (Degrees East); Time - Date and time (UTC); NetRad - Net Radiation at the surface (W/m^2); SnowNC - Cumulative snowfall (mm)

WRF-ARW, 3.8.1 (WRF website)

File names indicate the year of ERA-INTERIM forcing, the irrgation case, and the greenhouse gas case, as described in the paper. Variables in the files are: lat - Latitude (Degrees North); lon - Longitude (Degrees East); Time - Date and time (UTC); NetRad - Net Radiation at the surface (W/m^2); SnowNC - Cumulative snowfall (mm)

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Kok, Remco
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Kok, Remco
Publication Year 2018
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Kok, Remco (Utrecht University)
Resource Type Summaries of WRF output data in NetCDF; Dataset
Format application/octet-stream
Size 194570631
Version 1.1
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Natural Sciences