Monitoring the effects of tariff raises in public transport within the framework of the general mobility developments. This description comprises the seventh wave of the longitudinal mobility survey ( longitudinaal verplaatsingsonderzoek ). Subsequent waves will be stored under different study numbers. The survey monitors ( changes in ) transportational behaviour, mobility and effects of raising tariffs for public transportation. Data were gathered by questionnaire. Diaries had to be filled out, describing all mobility during one week. Detailed data were gathered on: family composition, financial situation of family, working hours, commuting, travelling allowances, car, train, use of reduced fare cards for public transport. This wave consists of seven files, containing family-data( A=SPSS-file, D=raw data ), family member-data ( B=SPSS-file, E=raw data ), transfer-data ( C=raw data ), week-matrices ( F=raw data ), and commuting data ( G=raw data ) respectively. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ consumption of durables