Shared Decision Making and the use of different types of outcome-information in chronic invalidating diseases. Multiple Sclerosis as case example


This research project investigates how Shared Decision Making is practiced in the field of care for Multipele Scleroris (MS) and healthcare professionals' use of different types of outcome-information in this process. MS is used as a case axempla for chronis invalidating diseased more generally. The reserach project has a qualittaive nature, consisting of an analysis of clinical encounters between healthcare professionals and patients with MS and additional in-depth interviews with both patients and professionals.The qualitative data collected in the project were transcribed literally. The data can be made available by the project leader (Olga Damman) on reasonable request.

Date Submitted: 2023-02-24

Metadata Access
Creator O.C. Damman ORCID logo
Publisher DANS Data Station Life Sciences
Contributor O.C. Damman
Publication Year 2023
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact O.C. Damman (Amsterdam UMC)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip; text/plain
Size 16388; 144
Version 1.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Medicine; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences