Albanian Youth 2011

Attitudes of Albanian Youth towards: Free time and lifestyle. Belief and affiliation issues. Family and society. Concerns and aspirations. Education and employment. Democracy and politics. Governance and development. Albania and the EU integration. Topics: 1. Free time and lifestyle: frequency of selected free time activities; hours watched TV on a usual day; frequency of watching selected TV programs; internet access; hours per day for internet usage overall; main reasons for internet activities; amount of money per month for selected activities; personal values (e.g. independence, career, engagement in politics, own appearance); smoker status; frequency of alcohol consumption; rating of alcohol consumption as acceptable, as necessary for maintaining a certain social network or as unacceptable; satisfaction with own appearance; sexual relations; usage of protective means in sexual life; opinion on the concept of virginity. 2. Belief and affiliation issues: level of trust in family members, relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues, people with a different religion or with different political beliefs and religious leaders; attitude towards different hypothetical neighborliness (e.g. a Roma family, a homosexual couple, a family from the north); experience of discrimination due to selected reasons; three virtues the respondent values the most; personal engagement in voluntary activities and kind of these voluntary activities; main reason for personal engagement in voluntary activities; denomination; visit of holy places of other religions. 3. Family and society: respondent lives alone or with close family members, with partner or with friends / relatives; preference to live alone or with parents; relationship to parents and siblings; family member with the most influence on decision the respondent takes on important issues; decision on important issues together with parents or alone or parents decide for everything; expected personal family situation (e.g. married and with a family); main advantage of marriage compared to cohabitation; main advantage of cohabitation compared to marriage; adequate age for marriage for women and men; desired number of children and desired number of girls and boys; importance of factors in choosing own husband / wife; part of a group of friends; satisfaction with own social network; situations of violent conflicts in the past year (e.g. with other young people in the neighborhood). 4. Concerns and aspirations: wish to move to another town in Albania; main reason to move; wish to immigrate abroad; most desired country to immigrate; main reason to immigrate abroad; expected personal situation in ten years; purpose of life (e.g. necessity of moral values, focus on career, believe in fate). 5. Education and employment: enrollment in any educational institutions or continuing studies (high school, University, Master/PhD); self-rated motivation towards school; assessment of a typical day at school; average grade during the last academic year; existence of a phenomenon of ´purchasing/buying´ school grades and exams; number of hours for studies; private courses during the last academic year; reason for attending private courses; intention to continue a university; personal reasons for continuing a higher education; choice of higher education according to inclination or due to secure earnings and more chances; reasons for not continuing a higher education; satisfied with the quality of education in Albania; preference for a professional school, a private school in Albania, a public or a private school abroad; preference for a professional / vocational school or a university; professional practice; find a job immediately after finishing the university; part or full time employment; working hours per week; working in profession obtained; preferred sector of employment; ranking of important factors to find a job in Albania (connections / friends, professional abilities, education level, political connections, luck or other factor); ranking of important factors to accept a certain job (income, employment certainty, possibility to work with people you like, pleasure derived from work). 6. Democracy and politics: interest of parents in political issues; personal interest in political developments on a global scale, Balkans, Albania; similarity of own political beliefs with those of the parents; frequency of participation in elections; influence of the own vote on the way institutions on central and local level are managed; main sources of political information; left-right self-placement; feeling of being represented in politics; trust in selected institutions; satisfaction with democracy in Albania. 7. Governance and development: degree of anxiety provoked by selected problems (e.g. increasing poverty, unemployment, pollution); expected economic situation pf the country in the next 10 years; rating of the government efforts for European integration. 8. Nation and the world: Albania should join the European Union; expected effect of the EU-membership for Albania; expected timeframe for the EU accession; benefits associated with EU integration. Demography: sex; age; education; employment status; number of family members aged 16-27; household size; property status; number of rooms; possession of durable goods (second apartment, bank account, credit or debit card, mobile phone, personal computer / Laptop, internet connection at home, bicycle, motorcycle, paid TV platform, color TV, LCD / Plasma TV, video recorder / DVD, digital photo camera, video camera, air conditioner, dishwasher, refrigerator, washing machine, car); monthly expenses of household. Additionally coded was: ID; region; start time and end time of the interview; age group; urbanity division; wealth index; zone division; reduction of education values.

Einstellungen von albanischen Jugendlichen zu: Freizeit und Lebensgefühl. Glaubensfragen und Zugehörigkeit. Familie und Gesellschaft. Anliegen und Bestrebungen. Bildung und Beschäftigung. Demokratie und Politik. Regierung und Entwicklung. Albanien und die EU-Integration. Demographie: Geschlecht; Alter; Bildung; Erwerbsstatus; Anzahl der Familienmitglieder im Alter von 16-27 Jahren; Haushaltsgröße; Eigentümerstatus; Anzahl Wohnräume; Besitz langlebiger Gebrauchsgüter; Höhe der monatlichen Ausgaben. Zusätzlich verkodet wurde: Region; Beginn und Ende des Interviews; Altersgruppe; Urbanisierungsgrad; Vermögensindex; Gebietseinteilung; Reduzierung der Bildungswerte.



Face-to-face interviewInterview.FaceToFace

Persönliches InterviewInterview.FaceToFace

Metadata Access
Creator Çela, Alba; Fshazi, Tidita; Mazniku, Arbjan; Kamberi, Geron; Smaja, Jonida
Publisher GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences; GESIS Datenarchiv für Sozialwissenschaften
Publication Year 2016
Rights 0 - Data and documents are released for everybody.; 0 - Daten und Dokumente sind für jedermann freigegeben.
OpenAccess true
Language English; German
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Albania; Albanien