From 1982 January to 1988 October, I used the 76-cm and 91-cm (30-inch and 36-inch) reflectors at McDonald Observatory in West Texas for UBV(RI)c observations of 239 galaxies, 18 Galactic globular clusters, 550 stars, and 11 miscellaneous objects. My goal with this program was to collect large-aperture (UBV)J(RI)C Johnson/Cousins photometry for galaxies with D_25_ larger than 5.0'. My envisioned uses of such data included calibration of surface photometry, derivation of total magnitudes and color indices, studies of the luminosity function of nearby galaxies, and support of other programs needing photometric data. The final tally: 594 observations of 239 galaxies. Along the way, I obtained aperture photometry of 18 Galactic globular clusters and more than 550 stars, and set up an internally consistent system of secondary standard stars around the equator. Robert Smyth did the southern observing during his 1980-81 post-doc at Siding Spring in New South Wales, Australia. He used the (now decommissioned) 41-cm and 61-cm telescopes there with the standard photometers and the same observational techniques I used at McDonald. As a part of a larger program of galaxy photometry, Marian Frueh -- ably assisted on two nights by Shireen Gonzaga -- collected UBV data for stars around 23 bright galaxies. We published the galaxy photometry (Frueh+ 1996AJ....111..722F) but not the sequence stars. Many of those stars' V magnitudes appeared on the Thompson/Bryan "Supernova Search Charts", but the entirety of the data appear here for the first time. So, I present here three sets of Johnson/Cousins UBVRI and UBV data generally focussed on galaxies, or on stars near galaxies. I made the UBVRI observations of northern objects at McDonald Observatory in the Davis Mountains in west Texas, while Robert Smyth covered the southern objects at Siding Spring Observatory in New South Wales, Australia. The stellar data include supernova comparison sequences, many observed at McDonald by Marian Frueh and Shireen Gonzaga, as well as a set of secondary equatorial standard stars on the UBVRI Johnson/Cousins systems that I set up with help from Robert Smyth and Mike Bessell at Siding Spring, Alan Cousins and John Menzies at the SAAO, and Tom Moffett and Tom Barnes at McDonald.
Cone search capability for table J/other/Obs/142.207/table1 (*Standard star data: adopted UBV(RI)c magnitudes and colors for stars used as standards for the McDonald observation)
Cone search capability for table J/other/Obs/142.207/table2 (McDonald galaxy observations with all measured superposed stars removed)
Cone search capability for table J/other/Obs/142.207/table3 (*McDonald UBVRI observations of stars and other objects)
Cone search capability for table J/other/Obs/142.207/table4 (Globular cluster photometry, with and without superposed stars)
Cone search capability for table J/other/Obs/142.207/table5 (*Sequences and supernovae observed by Marian Frueh and Shireen Gonzaga with the 76- and 91-cm McDonald reflectors (1985-86))
Cone search capability for table J/other/Obs/142.207/table6 (Siding Spring photometry of large southern galaxies by Robert Smyth, 1980-1981)
Cone search capability for table J/other/Obs/142.207/table7 (Photometry and positions for stars measured at Siding Spring by Robert Smyth or mentioned in Smyth's Notes)