Metapolitefsi: politics, history and memory


The purpose of the research was / is the examination and study of the restoration of democracy after the end of the military dictatorship (1967-1974), a period of decisive importance for the functioning of the democratic institutions and the political system of the country as a whole. The condition that has raised questions about this period is undoubtedly the years of crisis, a crisis not only economic but also social, political and cultural. Based on this reflection, the research effort focused on ordinary members and lower echelons of political parties. This choice was made because the political parties were the ones who contributed almost entirely to the task of transition to democracy, functioned as the main pillars of political stability, performed the most important structure of integration and socialization of the "masses" in the political process and, finally, they took on the role of sovereign administrator of state affairs. The narratives / testimonies of ordinary members and / or junior party executives will help to highlight their ideology, their relationship to the state apparatus or the gender dimension of the vote. On the occasion of the relatively recent financial crisis, the way in which this crisis is experienced by the specific members is also investigated, but also how, possibly, they perceive the change of their social status. Finally, the way in which ordinary party members and / or junior executives interpret their experiences will be sought, because this way is based on constructing and recognizing a body of memory that includes repetitive themes and repetitive silences that give meaning. in their lives and therefore constitute their identity.

Non-probability: Availability

Face-to-face interview

Metadata Access
Creator Theodoridis, Georgios; RESEARCH GROUP - ORAL HISTORY GROUP (EOM-OPI)
Publisher Κατάλογος Δεδομένων SoDaNet
Publication Year 2022
OpenAccess true
Language English
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage PELOPONNESE; Greece