An Account on Saamori Tuure (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0045A)


Continiuation of Saamori Tuure

When Samori’s mother was attacked by the people of Wassoulung and taken on as hostage slave, Samori went for his mother to free her.  When he got to Wassoulung, there was the King Sorrie Sidibeh, and he found his mother kept with other slaves doing hard labor.  He was told in order to free his mother, he should pay three and a half men, and that meant 3 adult men and a boy. After Samori was there for 3 days, Wassoulung went to war with Beledugu and him.  During the war, Almaami Samori captured 12 men and 8 ladies.  The men from Wassoulung were pleased with his bravery and war skills and they wanted him to stay. At the end of the war, Samori paid for his mother’s freedom.  He was given his mother and he took her to Kiliya.  When he Samori returned, he attacked his uncle Saaji to convert him to Islam.  He then conspired with his uncle’s wife to capture him.  He captured his uncle, shaved his hair, and forced him to convert to Islam. ‘Batou Dambelleh’ was given to him as a new name. Samori later killed his uncle’s wife for knowing that she deliberately betrayed her husband. Samori conquered, Hamana, Leyadugou and Kuranko.  He went to Sikasso where Kebba Tarawalleh lived.  Tarawalleh was the descendant of Daa Musa Walanding, Daa Musa Wulamba, Muke Musa and Muke Dantumang and Tarakoto Bulay Tarawalleh.  Samori fought with Sikasso for 3 years and he was defeated and captured, but later bought his freedom. When he fought with Wassoulung he defeated them continuously until his brother had to intervene to stop the killings. After that war, he took a journey to Fouta but before he arrived, the people of Fouta did some spiritual rituals that led to Samori’s return to Bamako. When he arrived in Bamako he met the white men who later fought with him for many years.  He was later captured in Woya-woyanko by the white men after conspiring with his wife Sarankenni.  Almami Samori was captured and taken away the same year with Alfa Yaya and Sering Touba.  


References to entities made in the recording

Culture:  Malinke

Language:  Mandinka

Persons: Almami Samori, Sorrie Sidibeh, Sarji, Kebba Trawalleh, 

Relationships: Sarankenni was Almami Samori’s wife

Sarji was Almami Samori’s uncle

Daa Musa Wulanding, Daa Musa Wulamba, Muke Musa, Muke Dantuma, Tarakoto Bulay Trawalleh were the ancestors of Kebba Trawalleh

Places:  Wassoulung, Beledugu, Kiliya, Hamana, Kuranko and Sikasso.

Movements: Almami Samori left Wassoulung with his mother and settled in Kiliya

Actions: Almami Samori fought for Wassoulung and paid for his mother’s freedom

Almami Samori was captured by the white men at Woya-woyanko

Time references: Almami Samori was captured in the same year with Allfa Yaya and Sering Touba

Additional information: Almami Samori's uncle’s name was Sarji but he was converted to Islam and was renamed ’Batou Dambelleh’

Alternative names: Samori, Samory, Touray, Toure, Toureh, Ture, Kanote, Kanuteh, Kanoteh, Kanute, Bana, Sidibeh, Bakary, Bakari, Bakery, Kebba,

Published by NCAC - National Digital Archive of The Gambia, initiated by University of Hamburg, Asia-Africa-Institute, Germany, funded by Gerda Henkel Foundation, Germany

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator NCAC/RDD
Publisher Universität Hamburg
Contributor Kanuute, Banna
Publication Year 2022
Rights Restricted Access; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess
OpenAccess false
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Humanities