Documentation for the dataset of the research project "Policymakers' percepti...
On the CSS Working Paper Series The CSS Working Paper Series welcomes papers on all aspects connected with the research focus of the center and gives authors a chance to... -
Ultrasonic anemometer and doppler lidar wind and gust data products during FE...
Abstract: dlidcsm_level1: This data set contains the level-1 data of the Doppler LIDAR measurements at the three supersites (Falkenberg, Lindenberg, Birkholz) operated... -
An Interview About The History of Brikama And Kombo Silla (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0217...
Audio of bad quality Brikama Kombo Silla Alternative names: Sillah, Sanneh, Cham, Cherno Published by NCAC - National Digital Archive of The Gambia, initiated by... -
Interviews on The History of Kombo And Kombo Silla (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0223A_B)
Kombo Kombo Sillah Alternative names: Sillah, Jatta, Essa, Bakary, Bakari, Bakery Published by NCAC - National Digital Archive of The Gambia, initiated by University... -
Interviews About The History of Gunjur And Kombo Silla (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0212A_B)
Audio of bad quality Gunjur Kombo Silla Alternative names: Sillah, Janneh, Malang, Barrow Published by NCAC - National Digital Archive of The Gambia, initiated by... -
Step by Step Guide to Manuscript Surface Cleaning and Making E-Flute Phase Bo...
The first issue of the series Written Artefacts as Cultural Heritage is a practical guide to manuscript surface cleaning and the making of archival boxes. This step-by-step... -
FTIR spectra of selected tsakalis cards
This dataset was created in the context of the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) and Cluster of Excellence ‘Understanding Written Artefacts’ (UWA).... -
كـــــــــن مـــــــســـــــتـــــــعـــــــدًّا: مـــــــــبـــــــــادئ تــ...
The second issue of the series ‘Written Artefacts as Cultural Heritage’ provides translations of the much-acclaimed manual ‘Be prepared: Guidelines for small... -
Soyez prêts! Guide à l'usage des petits musées pour la rédaction d'un plan de...
The second issue of the series ‘Written Artefacts as Cultural Heritage’ provides translations of the much-acclaimed manual ‘Be prepared: Guidelines for small... -
Rettung der Manuskripte aus Timbuktu / Sauvegarde des manuscrits de Tomboctou...
Überblick über die Beteiligung des Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) der Universität Hamburg an den Rettungs- und Erhaltungsmaßnahmen der... -
This video shows one variant of the German Sign Language (DGS) sign for to close the eyes. For more information, see the sign type EYE-CLOSED4^ in the Public DGS Corpus... -
This video shows one variant of the German Sign Language (DGS) sign for 'to be crazy', 'to be out of one's mind'. For more information, see the sign... -
This video shows one variant of the German Sign Language (DGS) sign for to close the eyes. For more information, see the sign type EYE-CLOSED4^ in the Public DGS Corpus... -
Treibhausgase und Aerosole – Szenarien und Unsicherheiten
Greenhouse gases and aerosols - scenarios and uncertainties: Greenhouse gas emissions are the main cause of man-made climate change. The atmospheric concentration of the most... -
Enabling Students to Understand Design-Based Research from their Different Pe...
The developments of the last two years illustrate the relevance of higher education research that supports practice in unexpected and even unprecedented situations, which depend... -
Rekordmonsun in Pakistan 2022: Mehr als 33 Mio. Menschen von Überflutungen be...
Record monsoon in Pakistan in 2022: More than 33 million people affected by flooding: The monsoon is a central component of the climate in the tropics and shapes the livelihood... -
Grönland: So warm wie seit 1000 Jahren nicht
Greenland: Warmer than it has been for 1000 years - In 2012, temperatures above freezing were measured for the first time in the centre of the Greenland ice sheet. The... -
Music Album of Louise Langhans (née Japha), Private Collection, Freiburg, 185...
The music album, which is part of a private collection, has been digitised by CSMC as part of the project ‘Creating Music Albums as Originals Made of Originals’. The... -
Music Album of Louise Langhans (née Japha), Private Collection, Freiburg, 185...
The music album, which is part of a private collection, has been digitised by CSMC as part of the project ‘Creating Music Albums as Originals Made of Originals’. The... -
Mittelmeerraum: Hitze & Trockenheit 2023 brechen alle Rekorde
Mediterranean region: heat & drought 2023 break all records: The year 2023 was an extreme year in the Mediterranean region, with several massive heatwaves on land and in the...