This survey was carried out by the Korean daily newspaper Jung-Ang Daily News and its purpose was to map the Korean opinion regarding among other things a Korean unification, the political situation in the country and also attitudes toward a number of political, social and economical institutions. Other question dealt with the respondent's standard of living, opinion on marriage and expenses connected with the marriage ceremony and important qualifications when selecting spouse. Furthermore the respondents were asked about their attitude toward other countries, promising investments now and in the future, and activities during the last year. Background variables include information on gender, age, marital status, children, housing, religion, property, income, occupation, education and region.
Undersökningen genomfördes av den koreanska dagstidningen Jung-Ang Daily News och syftade till att kartlägga den koreanska opinionen beträffande bland annat ett koreanskt enande, den politiska situationen i landet, samt inställning till olika politiska, sociala och ekonomiska institutioner. Andra frågor gällde respondentens levnadsstandard; äktenskap och kostnader i samband med vigselcermonin; viktiga egenskaper vid val av make/maka; inställning till olika länder; investeringar nu och i framtiden; samt aktiviteter under de senaste åren. Bakgrundsvariabler innehåller information om kön, ålder, civilstånd, antal barn, bostad, religion, förmögenhet, inkomst, sysselsättning, utbildning och region.
Based on the multi-stage systematic clustering probability method, the sample was drawn from 'Do' (or 'Tukbyolshi'/'Jikhalshi'), 'Shi'/'Kun', 'Ku', 'Eop'/'Myon', 'Dong', and 'Ri', pre-decided for the nine provinces, six 'Tukbyolshi' and 'Jikhalshi', and so on, and then for the practical convenience of the interview the number of 5-7 respondents were drawn from the administrative divisions of 'Eop', 'Myon', or 'Dong'. On the basis of the number of inhabitants, sampling was drawn from 'Dong' in city area and 'Eop' and 'Myon' in the non-city area. Followingly, 'Tong' and 'Ri' were systematically drawn from the city area and non-city area, respectively. The house of administrative head of 'Tong' and 'Ri' was the starting point. To the right of the starting point the first sample was interviewed, and the next and so on. At interview, all adults of the family were asked to register to the interviewer and then on the basis of sampling principle and in consideration of gender and age a interview person was decided.Based on the multi-stage systematic clustering probability method, the sample was drawn from 'Do' (or 'Tukbyolshi'/'Jikhalshi'), 'Shi'/'Kun', 'Ku', 'Eop'/'Myon', 'Dong', and 'Ri', pre-decided for the nine provinces, six 'Tukbyolshi' and 'Jikhalshi', and so on, and then for the practical convenience of the interview the number of 5-7 respondents were drawn from the administrative divisions of 'Eop', 'Myon', or 'Dong'. On the basis of the number of inhabitants, sampling was drawn from 'Dong' in city area and 'Eop' and 'Myon' in the non-city area. Followingly, 'Tong' and 'Ri' were systematically drawn from the city area and non-city area, respectively. The house of administrative head of 'Tong' and 'Ri' was the starting point. To the right of the starting point the first sample was interviewed, and the next and so on. At interview, all adults of the family were asked to register to the interviewer and then on the basis of sampling principle and in consideration of gender and age a interview person was decided.
Face-to-face interviewFace-to-face interview
Personlig intervjuPersonlig intervju