AUTNES TV Debates Panel Study 2013 (SUF edition)


Full edition for scientific use. This dataset contains political preferences of Austrian citizens eligible to vote at the national parliamentary election on 29.9.2013 (age 16 and older). Participants were surveyed in the period 16.8. – 7.10.2013 through an interactive online questionnaire (CAWI). Three waves were conducted before the election; a fourth wave captures opinions after the election. For the first wave, 3084 respondents were selected from a pre-existing online panel based on a quota sample. This survey emphasizes the TV debates during the election campaign and the evaluation of candidates. Further important variables are political interest; interest in the electoral campaign; party closeness; party preferences; party identification; media consumption; usage of social networks; economic situation; attitudes towards immigrants; psychological self-characterization (Big 5); coalition preferences; satisfaction with democracy; and implicit associations towards the FPÖ. Additional variables capture demographics and technical information.

Non-probability: Quota

Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based

Metadata Access
Creator Kritzinger, Sylvia; Johann, David; Glantschnigg, Christian; Aichholzer, Julian; Glinitzer, Konstantin; Thomas, Kathrin; Wagner, Markus; Zeglovits, Eva
Publisher AUSSDA; The Austrian Social Science Data Archive
Publication Year 2020
Rights For more Information please visit AUSSDA's web page
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Austria