Raziskava vključuje podatke o socialnem poreklu in družinskem okolju učencev, o njihovem šolskem uspehu, izvenšolskih dejavnostih, interesih, poklicnih željah in izobraževalnih aspiracijah, vključitvah v nadaljnje šolanje in uspešnosti pri nadaljevanju šolanja, kot tudi rezultate na testih sposobnosti (inteligentnost in kreativnost) ter osebnostnih testih. Poleg tega pa vključuje tudi ocene učiteljev ter stališča mater učencev v zvezi z njihovim šolanjem, kot tudi podatke o njihovih vzgojnih stilih. Ti podatki se dopolnjujejo in nadgrajujejo v posameznih fazah raziskave, pri čemer moramo razlikovati najprej standardne podatke iz Ankete o izbiri poklica ter rezultate skupinskih testiranj s testi umskih sposobnosti, nato pa rezultate treh različnih vprašalnikov in testa kreativnosti ("Uporabe predmetov"), rezultate poštne ankete o uspešnosti nadaljevanja šolanja in rezultate vprašalnika o vzgojnih stilih za matere učencev ter končno podatke o vključevanju v višje in visoke šole. Pred raziskavo samo je bil opravljen predpoizkus, v katerem je bila primerjana skupina učencev, ki se je kljub razmeroma nizkim intelektualnim sposobnostim vključila v nadaljnje šolanje, z drugo skupino, ki se kljub razmeroma visokim sposobnostim v šolanje in vključila. Pri tem so poleg zgoraj navedenih podatkov upoštevali posebej še kvalifikacijsko strukturo učiteljev v osnovnih šolah.
The research includes data on the social origin and family environment of the students, on their school success, extracurricular activities, interests, professional wishes and educational aspirations, inclusion in further education and success in continuing education, as well as results on tests of abilities (intelligence and creativity) and personality tests. In addition, it also includes the evaluations of the teachers and the views of the mothers of the students regarding their schooling, as well as data on their educational styles. These data are supplemented and upgraded in the individual phases of the research, whereby we have to distinguish first the standard data from the Career Selection Survey and the results of group testing with tests of mental abilities, then the results of three different questionnaires and a creativity test ("Uses of objects"), the results of the postal surveys on the success of continuing education and the results of a questionnaire on parenting styles for mothers of students, and finally data on inclusion in higher and higher education institutions. Before the research itself, a pre-test was conducted, in which a group of students who joined further education despite relatively low intellectual abilities were compared with another group who joined education despite relatively high abilities. Here, in addition to the above-mentioned data, the qualification structure of teachers in primary schools was also taken into account.
Neverjetnostno: namenskoNonprobability.Purposive
Non-probability: PurposiveNonprobability.Purposive
Vprašalnik za samoizpolnjevanjeSkupinsko anketiranje mladih in pošiljanje vprašalnikov njim in njihovih materam.SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire
Self-administered questionnaireGroup interviewing of young people and sending questionnaires to them and their mothers.SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire