The text below is the third instalment of a series of research notes concerning the Turkic ʿİsà corpus. The first two parts (published in the COMSt Newsletter issues 2 and 3, 2011), dealt with the particular “Märchen-Typen” found in the Turkic tradition, including the Long-living Worshipper story, the stories of the Talking Frog and the Talking Mountain (s. also Appendix below for some additional observations). In the third instalment, I change the approach from looking at particular motifs to looking at text collections in which these and other similar stories are transmitted. The occasion is used to introduce more previously unstudied texts to the broad academic community. For a general introduction on the popular motifs in the Turkic ʿİsà tradition, as well as for an explanation of the transliteration convention used in this article, s. COMSt Newsletter 2, July 2011, p. 25.