Študija vključuje vzorce občinskih voditeljev. Osnovni namen je primerjalna študija vrednot lokalnih voditeljev v družbenih spremembah in razvoju občin.
The study attempted a comparative examination of the impact of leaders' values on social change and development at the community level. There is an individual file for each respondent, and, in addition, a community file was constructed to describe each community. The community file describes the social and economic aspects of the community using aggregate data. It also includes summary statistics computed for the attitudes and values of community leaders. There is a community activeness file for each community in each country, and an economic file for each commune in Yugoslavia. Questions were asked about social and occupational background, the problems facing local communities, possible solutions, community goals, and several measures of leaders' social and political values and aspirations.
Neverjetnostno: namenskoNonprobability.Purposive
Non-probability: PurposiveNonprobability.Purposive
Vprašalnik za samoizpolnjevanjeSelfAdministeredQuestionnaire
Self-administered questionnaireSelfAdministeredQuestionnaire