An Account on The History of Niumi (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0340A_SE2)


When Mansa Wally committed suicide in Banjul his body was taken to Niumi for burial.  The throne was taken to Mansa Madi at Kanuma who became the new ruler. After the death of Mansa Madi, the throne was returned to Essau and Biram Sira was to succeed him as the new ruler.  Biram Sira who was living in Bakau at the time journeyed to Essau to ascend the throne, while his brother Burangay also desired to become the new ruler over his older brother. While preparations were in progress for coronation of the new ruler the next day, Burangay and his wife plotted to discredit his older brother Biram Sira.  Burangai accused him of having affairs with his wife, who appeared in Biram Sira’s room late at night to smear him.  Burangai threatened to report the matter if he claimed the throne, and he accepted because he had no other options. During the coronation ceremony, Biram Sira renounced the throne and was succeeded by his brother Burangay.

References to entities made in the recording

Culture:  Mandinka

Language: Mandinka and translated into Wollof

Persons:  Mansa Wally, Mansa Madi, Biram Sira and Burangay


Mansa Wally was a ruler in Niumi

Mansa Madi was Niumi ruler at Kanuma

Biram Sira and Burangay were brothers

Places:  Banjul, Bakau, Essau and Kanuma


The Chieftaincy moved from Essau to Kanuma and later to Essau

Biram Sira moved from Bakau to Essau for the throne


Burangay Sonko betrayed his brother to become the ruler

Time references:


Additional information:

Jali Bamba Susso was the narrator

Jali Amadou Jobateh was on the Kora

Alternative names: Jobarte, Jobarteh, Jobateh, Jebate, Amadou, Mansur, Diaye, Ndiaye, N'Diaye, Njie, Njai

Published by NCAC - National Digital Archive of The Gambia, initiated by University of Hamburg, Asia-Africa-Institute, Germany, funded by Gerda Henkel Foundation, Germany

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator NCAC/RDD
Publisher Universität Hamburg
Contributor Suuso, Bamba; Joobaate, Amadu
Publication Year 2022
Rights Restricted Access; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess
OpenAccess false
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Other