Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and Johannes Swammerdam: Letter metadata for their second-degree networks combining the CEN and the Epistolarium


This dataset contains the files with the metadata of the letters sent and received by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1673) and Johannes Swammerdam (1637-1680) up to their second-degree networks. It combines data from two sources: the Catalogus Epistularum Neerlandicarum (CEN) and the Epistolarium ( We first captured their first-degree correspondences in both datasets, and then the correspondents of these correspondents. We ran mappings between the persons in both datasets and combined them.

This dataset contains all merged files and, nodes + edges files necessary for network analyzes. It also includes screenshots of the network visualizations created with the program Gephi, used in a presentation by researcher Dirk van Miert on October 2021.

WARNING: The dataset was created with the version of the CEN data of October 2021. Some of the person Ids may have changed in the latest version of the CEN cleaned by SKILLNET (, however, this version contains updated mapped Ids to the Epistolarium dataset (, which would make it possible to regenerate these datasets again if needed. It is recommended to use the "tree" view of the files.

Metadata Access
Creator SKILLNET project
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Liliana Melgar; Dirk van Miert
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC-BY-4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Liliana Melgar (Utrecht University); Dirk van Miert (Utrecht University)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/csv; application/; application/octet-stream; image/png
Size 3146586; 119638; 1689600; 271174; 263620; 428032; 3061820; 80591; 80580; 1502626; 1503196; 1504617; 1363469; 2866942; 508493; 1725967; 1768556; 2025617; 1654342; 1344904; 1639826; 1010890; 1643162; 3621242
Version 1.0
Discipline Humanities