Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
This project comprised a study of the management of employees in small firms in three industrial sectors (food manufacture, creative and media, and information and communication technology). The firms selected for the study were based in the East and West Midlands. It addressed employer policy through semi-structured interviews with managers, and employee responses through structured postal questionnaires in a subset of the firms. All responses have been transcribed into quantitative data files. The study aimed to improve understanding of the contrasting sectoral contexts facing small firms and how these contexts affect firms' internal organisation. It also addressed linkages between firms' own strategies and the external environment of business support networks. Further information about the project, including documents and publications, may be found on the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Organisational Roots of Productivity in SMEs award web page.
Main Topics:
The management interviews covered: company background and organisation; strategy; external environment; networks and sources of information; organisation of the firm and the work process; product development, and research and development; performance; staffing levels; recruitment and selection; training and employee development; work organisation; performance appraisal; payment systems and pay determination; disciplinary procedures; job security; and communication, consultation and representation at work. The employee questionnaire covered: demographic information; role, job description and work activities; control of workload/tasks; development, appraisal and performance; motivation; supervision; workplace communications and workers' participation; job security; management; opinions of work and workplace; and development of skills and training.
Simple random sample
Convenience sample
Face-to-face interview
Postal survey