FLOORCASH-SocCit. The social citizenship dataset on social cash transfers in the global South


FLOORCASH-SocCit provides comprehensive computable data on entitlements to social cash transfers in the global South. The dataset covers 282 social cash transfer programmes in 148 countries and small territories, as of 2012/13. FLOORCASH-SocCit has been constructed in view of the sociological concept of social citizenship, focusing on entitlements to social cash transfers rather than welfare outcomes. FLOORCASH-SocCit emphasises three aspects: inclusion of social groups (with more refined data than earlier studies), conditions of access to benefits, and institutionalization of the programmes. FLOORCASH-SocCit can be used for studies with different units of analysis (programmes, target categories, countries).


AggregationInhaltscodierungPersönliches Interview

DOI https://doi.org/10.7802/2249
Source https://search.gesis.org/research_data/SDN-10.7802-2249?lang=de
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=3ad26ed5b569cbc9135f63d922b4acfd2afd9f52521045ac3eee7dc3e00772f0
Creator Leisering, Lutz; Weible, Katrin
Publisher GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences; GESIS Datenarchiv für Sozialwissenschaften
Publication Year 2020
Funding Reference [Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft]
Rights Free access (without registration) - The research data can be downloaded directly by anyone without further limitations. CC BY 4.0: Namensnennung (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.de); Freier Zugang (ohne Registrierung) - Die Forschungsdaten können von jedem direkt heruntergeladen werden. CC BY 4.0: Namensnennung (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.de)
OpenAccess true
Contact http://www.gesis.org/
Discipline Social Sciences