Dijaki Gimnazije Jesenice izhajajo iz Jesenic in okolice, katere družbeno-ekonomski razvoj v preteklosti je bil večinoma definiran z razvojem Železarne Jesenice. V zadnjih desetih letih je bilo področje soočeno s težko krizo železarstva, veliko brezposelnostjo. Vrednote mladih so razpete med vrednostnim sistemom tradicionalne industrijske družbe in propadajočega železarstva na eni strani ter vplivom postindustrijske modernizacije širšega okolja na drugi strani. Cilj raziskovalne naloge je bil preučitev odzivov dijakov in dijakinj Gimnazije Jesenice, ki v letu 2001 zaključujejo šolanje na Gimnaziji, na družbene in življenjske razmere z vidika njihovega osebnega vrednostnega sistema. Avtorje je predvsem zanimalo, koliko so procesi druge modernizacije že dosegli jeseniške gimnazijce.
Pupils attending Gymnasium Jesenice originate mostly from Jesenice and its outskirts. Social and economical development of the region was in a great way marked by the headway of Ironworks Jesenice. In the last decade major decadence and unemployment were present in the region as the ironworks underwent a huge trade depression. As to why there is still traditional industry present and other tertiary and quaternary economical branches evolved we can presume that students' valuableness system involves features typical for both industrial and informational society. The main purpose of this research work was to find out how pupils ending Gymnasium in this year (2001) reacted to the changes in their social environment according to their own valuableness system. Authors also tried to determine to which extend has second modernization already reached pupils.
Zajeta celotna populacijaTotalUniverseCompleteEnumeration
Total universe/Complete enumerationTotalUniverseCompleteEnumeration
Vprašalnik za samoizpolnjevanjeSelfAdministeredQuestionnaire
Self-administered questionnaireSelfAdministeredQuestionnaire