Fractional abundances and concentrations of brGMGTs in SPM from Lake Chala (T...
Temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and conductivity were measured down to 50 m.Temperatures below 50m are report as temperature measured at 50 m. -
(Supplement 2-3) Monthly means of a Multi Angle Absorption Photometer at Cabo...
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Meteorological observations in a coastal grassland in California (2009-2020)
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SPM in situ data concurrent with Landsat 8/OLI overpass for Guaíba River - UF...
Two years of field sampling concurrent with Landsat8/OLI overpass was acquired by Scotta (2018; http://hdl.handle.net/10183/184882). 9 field campaigns were carried out onboard a... -
SPM in situ data from the Rio Grande Channel to the Guaíba River basin and it...
The SARPOA dataset was created from the intention of establishing a model of interaction of nutrients and physical factors that conditioned plankton blooms in estuaries. During... -
SPM in situ data in the Patos Lagoon estuary's access channel (Canal do Rio G...
The 'Programa de Monitoramento Ambiental do Porto do Rio Grande' is the network responsible for the data and counts with more than 30 scientists from different laboratory units... -
SPM in situ data in Patos Lagoon estuary and adjacent continental shelf - PLA...
The project 'Interação Plataforma Continental-Estuário da Lagoa dos Patos - PLATES' established a series of phases for data acquisition from 1992 to 1993. Sampled information... -
SPM in situ data in the estuary of Patos Lagoon - 'Material em Suspensão' Pro...
The 'Material em Suspensão' project was designed considering the varying dimensions of different regions of Patos Lagoon. Three sampling designs were established and called... -
SPM estimates derived from MODIS-aqua data along Patos Lagoon - MODIS (2003 -...
Remote sensing has proved to be an effective tool for SPM studies in the Patos Lagoon. The ability to use this tool allows detailed analysis of spatial and temporal patterns and... -
SPM estimates derived from MODIS-aqua data along Patos Lagoon - MODIS (2003 -...
Remote sensing has proved to be an effective tool for SPM studies in Patos Lagoon. The ability to use this tool allows detailed analysis of spatial and temporal patterns and... -
SPM estimates derived from MODIS-aqua data along Patos Lagoon - MODIS (2003 -...
Remote sensing has proved to be an effective tool for SPM studies in the Patos Lagoon. The ability to use this tool allows detailed analysis of spatial and temporal patterns and... -
SPM in situ data along Patos Lagoon - 'Pró-Mar de Dentro' Project (1998 - 2000)
The most comprehensive study of Patos Lagoon was carried out by the 'Pró-Mar de Dentro' Project. During the period between February 1999 to January 2000, 11 sampling expeditions... -
SPM in situ data along Patos Lagoon - 'Lagoa dos Patos' Project (1987 - 1989)
The 'Lagoa dos Patos' project goal was to assess geological, chemical, physical, biological and socio-economic parameters along the lagoon in order to advise on the best... -
SPM in situ data, and SPM estimates from statistical relationships between SP...
As an initiative of the 'Laboratório de Oceanografia Costeira e Estuarina - LOCOSTE', at FURG, oceanographic cruises were carried out in the Patos Lagoon estuarine area between... -
The rating-curve approach derived SPM in Guaíba River and Camaquã River from ...
Jung (Jung, B. M.: Variabilidade dos Fluxos de Sedimentos em Suspensão para a Lagoa dos Patos e os Processos de Trocas com o OceanoAdjacente, Master's thesis, Universidade... -
SPM in situ data in Patos Lagoon Estuary - 'Laboratório de Hidroquímica' (198...
The oceanographic cruises were carried out in the Patos Lagoon estuarine area by the 'Laboratório de Hidroquímica', at FURG. This dataset is composed of groups of data made... -
SPM in situ data at Patos Lagoon estuary in 4 stations: Feitoria, Marambaia, ...
Fernandes (Fernandes, E. H.: Modelling the Hydrodynamics of the Patos Lagoon, Brazil, Ph.D. thesis, University of Plymouth, 2001) aimed to calibrate the hydrodynamic model... -
SPM in situ data along Patos Lagoon - 'Espinha de Peixe' Project (1986)
This project collected a series of physical, chemical and biological parameters. The data consists of sampling carried out in January 1986, at which sampling cruises were... -
SPM in situ data in Patos Lagoon estuary - ECOSUD (2002 - 2004)
This dataset was acquired in a research program funded by the European Commission known as ECOSUD (Estuaries and Coastal Areas: Basis and Tools for a more Sustainable... -
SPM derived data using a local established statistical relationship between t...
The 'Departamento Municipal de Águas e Esgotos - DMAE' data were acquired at the Guaíba River mouth from 2003 to 2013 on a daily basis. The data set was assembled gathering...