Remote sensing has proved to be an effective tool for SPM studies in the Patos Lagoon. The ability to use this tool allows detailed analysis of spatial and temporal patterns and contributes to a better understanding of SPM dynamics. 17 years of daily MODIS-aqua data were used to estimate SPM concentration. The satellite scenes were atmospherically corrected and checked for quality of Remote Sensing Reflectance in a quality control system proposed by Wei et al. 2016. It consists of a scoring system ranging from 1 (perfectly acquired data) to zero (unusable). Values corresponding to scores lower than 0.6 were excluded from the data set. SPM was then estimate based on the semi-analytical algorithms proposed by Novoa et al. (2017; doi:10.3390/rs9010061). Data is available as averaged sample boxes from north to south of Patos Lagoon, rivers mouth, and lagoon inlet.