Fernandes (Fernandes, E. H.: Modelling the Hydrodynamics of the Patos Lagoon, Brazil, Ph.D. thesis, University of Plymouth, 2001) aimed to calibrate the hydrodynamic model TELEMAC for the Patos Lagoon for the first time. The author executed SPM field measurements at 4 stations: Feitoria, Marambaia, and Praticagem (between 27-29 October, 1998), and at Porto Rei (between 05-06 November, 1998) and measurements were carried out at the surface, middle depth and bottom using horizontal bottle samplers. These consist of a simple PVC pipe closed at the ends by rubber stoppers and released by a messenger sent from the surface. Sub-samples were stored in plastic bottles for further filtration and determination of SPM content. Samples were filtered through CA filters of 45 μm pore size as in Baumgarten et al. (Baumgarten, M., Rocha, J., and Niencheski, L.: Manual de Análises em Oceanografia Química, FURG, Rio Grande, Brazil, 1996).