Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Younger Cohort) 1979-1985, 4th Wave 198...
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct as well as of occupational training and work habits of young people and young adults dependening on... -
Special Schoolchildren Cross-Section Study 1989 (4th Wave of an Interval Study)
Experiences and results of high school graduates at special schools. Topics: over-qualification in current school year in individual subjects; optionally learning a foreign... -
Self-regulation in the Everyday Life of Students (SriAS) - Location Bielefeld...
The study is part of the SriAS joint project (Self-regulation in the Everyday Life of Students), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and conducted at... -
Habilitation Register of German Universities
Das Habilitiertenregister Deutscher Universitäten wurde im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten WISKIDZ-Projekts erstellt. Es stellt eine Sammlung von gut 47.000 Einträgen zu... -
Future Plans of Young People at Special Schools of Emotional and Social Devel...
The study deals with the question which life plans young people at special schools for emotional and social development choose for their future after finishing school. The... -
MESARAS 2013: Mobility, Expectations, Self-Assessment and Risk Attitude of St...
The MESARAS-project was designed to investigate the interconnectedness of geographic mobility of highly qualified individuals and their personality and preferences. Therefore,... -
MESARAS 2013: Mobility, Expectations, Self-Assessment and Risk Attitude of St...
The MESARAS-project was designed to investigate the interconnectedness of geographic mobility of highly qualified individuals and their personality and preferences. Therefore,... -
Work and Development Conditions of Young Research Cadre 1985/1986
Structure and dynamics of science potential as well as qualification dynamics, achievement capability, professional and activity structure. Topics: Length of scientific... -
Working and Living Conditions in Science of the People's Republic of Bulgari...
Structure and dynamics of science potential as well as qualification dynamics, achievement capability, professional and activity structure. Topics: Length of scientific... -
Working and Living Conditions in Science of the GDR 1978 - 1980
Structure and dynamics of science potential as well as qualification dynamics, achievement capability, professional and activity structure. Topics: Length of scientific... -
Working and Living Conditions in Science of the Hungarian People's Republic ...
Structure and dynamics of science potential as well as qualification dynamics, achievement ability, professional and activity structure. Topics: Length of scientific activity;... -
Work and Development Conditions of Young Research Cadre PCK Schwedt 1987
Analysis on structure and dynamics of science potential as well as qualification dynamics, achievement capability, professional and activity structure. Topics: Company... -
Social-Structural Conditions for Increase in Efficiency of Mental Work 1984
Social structures of research intelligentsia, in particular achievement-oriented interests and attitudes, level of achievement as well as selected working and living conditions.... -
Analysis on Occupational Conflict Situations in the Welfare Occupation 1989
Experiencing conflict and dealing with conflict by colleagues in health and welfare. Topics: Dealing with conflict; possible conflict fields; number of one's own conflicts in... -
Survey of Technical College Distant Students 1988
Company conditions, courses of individual education and occupation, motivation for studies, territorial and social structural influences as well as personal situation. Topics:... -
Survey of College Distant Students 1988
Company conditions, courses of individual education and occupation, motivation for studies, territorial and social structural influences as well as personal situation. Topics:... -
Acquisition and Application of Occupational Qualification in the New States ...
Qualification profile and working conditions of employed in the new states. Topics: Hopes and fears; short time work; working hours; occupation exercised; professional position;... -
On the Social Origins of Applicants to Technical Colleges 1984
Occupation qualification and paths of education of parents of applicants to college. Topics: Form of studies; technical college; subject area; sex; path of education; occupation... -
Women in Science 1987
Situation in work and life, capacity to achieve and achievement readiness of women scientists. Topics: Importance of work; branch of science of course of study; high school... -
On the Social Origins of College Applicants 1984
Occupation qualification and paths of education of parents of college applicants. Topics: College; subject area; sex; path of education; occupation learned and exercised; number...