M/S Silja Serenade (Helsinki-Stockholm) pCO2 underway measurements in 2018-04
Quality control:Measurements during calibration, cleaning, maintenance and low discharge have been removed.-----Flag system:A flag system is applied to the data. Good data that... -
Reanalysed (depth and temperature consistent) surface ocean CO₂ atlas (SOCAT)...
The Surface Ocean CO₂ Atlas (SOCAT) version 2019 dataset (Bakker et al., 2016) is a quality-controlled dataset containing 25.7 million surface ocean gaseous CO₂ measurements... -
M/S Silja Serenade (Helsinki-Stockholm) pCO2 data 2018-2020
This data set contains the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (CO2) present in seawater together with temperature, salinity and other necessary auxiliary information measured on... -
Spectrophotometric pH measurements from continuous surface water supply and d...
The BONUS INTEGRAL field expeditions on RV Aranda took place from February 28th 2019 to March 11th 2019 (RV Aranda Cruise 04/19). The scientific program of was tailored to serve... -
BONUS INTEGRAL WINTER cruise on RV Aranda (28.02.-11.03.2019) for monitoring ...
The dataset includes the continuous water side pCO2/fCO2 measurements made by Finnish Meteorological Institute on BONUS INTEGRAL winter cruise on RV Aranda for monitoring the... -
Measuring of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) with Automated Infra-Red Inorga...
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) is one of four parameters measured in order to determine the marine carbonate system. The AIRICA system (Serial No. #027, Marianda, Tulpenweg... -
Purge and trap system (P&T) with gas chromatograph to analysed methane and ni...
Purge and trap system (P&T) with gas chromatograph to analysed methane and nitrous oxide. The in-house designed purge and trap system (P&T) determines methane (CH4) and... -
Physical oceanography during BONUS INTEGRAL WINTER cruise on RV Aranda (28.02...
The dataset includes the station metadata, secchi depths and CTD (temperature, salinity and oxygen) at the water sample depths from BONUS INTEGRAL winter cruise on RV Aranda for... -
Nutrient measurements during the BONUS INTEGRAL WINTER cruise on RV Aranda (2...
This data set consists of the nutrient vertical profile data of the BONUS INTEGRAL winter cruise, which took place at the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic... -
Wind speed and direction during the BONUS INTEGRAL WINTER cruise on RV Aranda...
The data set consist of navigation and automatic weather station data from BONUS INTEGRAL WINTER cruise on RV Aranda for monitoring the green-house gases and related parameters... -
Air temperature, humidity and dew point measurements during the BONUS INTEGRA...
The data set consist of navigation and automatic weather station data from BONUS INTEGRAL WINTER cruise on RV Aranda for monitoring the green-house gases and related parameters... -
Sea surface temperature measurements during the BONUS INTEGRAL WINTER cruise ...
The data set consist of navigation and automatic weather station data from BONUS INTEGRAL WINTER cruise on RV Aranda for monitoring the green-house gases and related parameters... -
Sea surface salinity during the BONUS INTEGRAL WINTER cruise on RV Aranda (20...
The data set consist of navigation and automatic weather station data from BONUS INTEGRAL WINTER cruise on RV Aranda for monitoring the green-house gases and related parameters... -
Atmospheric pressure measurements during the BONUS INTEGRAL WINTER cruise on ...
The data set consist of navigation and automatic weather station data from BONUS INTEGRAL WINTER cruise on RV Aranda for monitoring the green-house gases and related parameters... -
Master track in 10 sec resolution of BONUS INTEGRAL WINTER cruise on RV Arand...
The data set consist of navigation and automatic weather station data from BONUS INTEGRAL WINTER cruise on RV Aranda for monitoring the green-house gases and related parameters... -
Reanalysed (depth and temperature consistent) surface ocean CO₂ atlas (SOCAT)...
The Surface Ocean CO₂ Atlas (SOCAT) version 2019 dataset (Bakker et al., 2016) is a quality-controlled dataset containing 25.7 million surface ocean gaseous CO₂ measurements...