WGA as alternative for DNA extraction on lichens
We tested Whole-Genome-Amplifictaion (WGA) as an alternative to obtain large quantities of DNA for downstream application on lichens. Resulting amplifications were sequenced and... -
RNA-Seq analysis for overexpression of SdeA
To analyze the function of sdeA in A. fumigatus, we overexpressed the sdeA gene in the A. fumigatus wild-type strain A1160 using the gpdA (A. nidulans glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate... -
De-Novo Genome Assembly for the Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clark...
To generate genome resources for Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) we used the trio-binning approach for generating De-novo genome assemblies. Hybrid F1progeny were... -
Barringtonia asiatica genome skimming
Data for the chloroplast genome sequencing and assembly of Barringtonia asiatica -
High Resolution Analyses of Wildlife and Environmental Escherichia
WGS and metabarcoding analyses of wildlife and environmental Escherichia to investigate the impact of wildlife in water quality assessments -
Chromosome-level genome assembly and gene annotation for three geographical s...
This project completes reference genomes for Larimichthys crocea from three geographical stocks of Nanhai (NH), Mindong (MD), and Daiqu (DQ), which provide a vital reference for... -
Water metagenome
Exploring the water metagenome -
ddRAD-seq of Labeo rohita
ddRAD-seq based exploration of diversity and sex determination in Labeo rohita -
Oncorhynchus mykiss isolate:Whale Rock Male DH Line Genome sequencing and ass...
Currently, we are working towards generating a rainbow trout pan-genome reference that will better represent the genetic diversity in this species using de-novo chromosome level... -
Genomes of Black Yeast fungi isolate from Biological Soil Crusts, Rock Surfac...
Black yeasts (Chaetothyriales and Dothideomycetes) were isolated from arid land biological soil crusts, rock surfaces, and a species isolated from tar-soaked soil from the La... -
Transcriptomic investigation on how UV-327 affect rainbow trout alevins
Newly fertilized rainbow trout embryos microinjected with a single dose of UV-327 (2,4-di-tert-butyl-6-(5-chloro-2H-benzotriazol-2-yl) phenol), reared until and sampled at... -
Data for release 1.0 of the Kew Tree of Life Explorer
The Kew Tree of Life Explorer allows users to explore evolutionary trees of life and to access the genomic data that underpin them. It is an output of the Plant and Fungal Trees... -
Transcriptomic responses of sponge holobionts to in situ, seasonal anoxia and...
Two sponge species, Eurypon sp. 2 and Hymeraphia stellifera, survive seasonal anoxia for months at a time. To understand their tolerance mechanisms, we performed RNAseq and... -
Oreochromis niloticus strain:GFIT Transcriptome or Gene expression
Brain and liver transcriptomes of Nile tilapia exposed to dietary microplastics -
Data for release 1.0 of the Kew Tree of Life Explorer
The Kew Tree of Life Explorer allows users to explore evolutionary trees of life and to access the genomic data that underpin them. It is an output of the Plant and Fungal Trees... -
A high-throughput synthetic biology approach for studying combinatorial chrom...
The construction of synthetic gene circuits requires the rational combination of multiple regulatory components, but predicting their behavior can be challenging due to poorly... -
RNA sequencing of osteoblast progenitors in medaka regenerating fins
In this study, we utilized a medaka model and conducted RNA sequencing of col10a1-positive osteoblast progenitors purified from regenerating fins at 0 and 2 days post... -
Profiling of Viral Communities in Steel Slag Leachate
Virus diversity, Virus-host interactions and AMGs