Gaia Data Release 3 (Gaia DR3) will be released on 13 June 2022. The Gaia DR3 catalogue builds upon the Early Data Release 3 (released on 3 December 2020) and combines, for the same stretch of time and the same set of observations, these already-published data products with numerous new data products such as extended objects and non-single stars.
Cone search capability for table I/355/gaiadr3 (Gaia DR3 source catalog (1811709771 sources))
Hips catalogue for table I/355/gaiadr3
Cone search capability for table I/355/paramp (1D astrophysical parameters produced by the Apsis processing chain developed in Gaia DPAC CU8 (1590932717 sources) (astrophysical_parameters))
Cone search capability for table I/355/paramsup (Additional parameters from the Apsis processing chain, compared to the main table astrophysical parameters, from modules that produce more than one result for a parameter (473020612 sources) (astrophysical_parameters_supp))
Cone search capability for table I/355/epphot (Light curves for a given object in bands G, BP and RP (555868797 rows) (epoch_photometry))
Cone search capability for table I/355/rvsmean (RVS mean sampled spectrum table (2400147645 lines) (rvs_mean_spectrum))
Cone search capability for table I/355/xpsummary (Auxiliary information about the mean BP/RP spectrum (219197643 sources) (xp_summary))
Cone search capability for table I/355/xpsample (BP/RP externally calibrated sampled mean spectrum (11822651939 rows) (xp_sampled_mean_spectrum))
Cone search capability for table I/355/xpcont (Mean BP and RP spectra based on the continuous representation in basis functions (219197643 rows) (gaia_dr3_xpcont))
Cone search capability for table I/355/spectra (Gaia DR3 spectra view (34468373 sources))