Vardagsmiljöer och aktiviteter hos barn och personal i svenska förskolor - Vad barn och lärare gör i förskolan: systematiska observationer av barn och personal på 78 svenska förskoleavdelningar


How preschool teachers and children spend their time in preschool is important for children's engagement and learning. The study aims to give a broad description of how often children and staff spend time in different types of activities, interactions, and environments. Systematic momentary observations of individual children and teachers/staff were conducted continuously during a full day in 78 preschool units (mainly for children 3-5 years) during the autumn term. The observations resulted in frequency data for different types of activities for children and teachers. Frequency data were summarized at the unit level, and percentage distributions of activities were calculated. Results showed that free play indoors was the main activity setting, followed by free play outdoors. Children interacted as much with other children as with teachers. The focus was dominated by non-pretend play, construction, art and music, followed by pretend play and academic contents. Child engagement was significantly higher in free play indoors compared to outdoors. Teachers engaged in varied tasks, but their central task was managing. Teachers were typically in proximity to small groups of children, or by themselves, and mostly talked to or listened to a single child. Data was collected with systematic observations with the help of manual-based instruments Child Observation in Preschool (COP) and Teacher Observation in Preschool (TOP). The observations consists of snapshots of individual children/teachers across a preschool day. Several aspects of the individual's current activity are coded. Individual data was aggregated to preschool unit level, and proportions for different activity aspects were calculated. Aggregated frequency and proportionate data are available in the data set for child and teacher data, respectively. Some preschool unit background information is also available.

Hur förskolepersonal och barn tillbringar sin tid i förskolan är viktigt för barns engagemang och lärande. Studie ämnar ge en bred beskrivning av hur ofta barn och personal spenderar tid i olika typer av aktiviteter, interaktioner, och miljöer. Systematiska ögonblicksobservationer av enskilda barn och lärare/barnskötare genomfördes kontinuerligt under en heldag på 78 förskoleavdelningar (främst 3-5 års avd.) under höstterminen. Observationerna resulterade i frekvensdata för olika typer av aktiviteter för barn resp. personal. Frekvensdata summerades på avdelningsnivå, och procentuell fördelning av aktiviteter räknades ut. Data har samlats in med hjälp av systematiska observationer genom de manualbaserade instrumenten Child Observation in Preschool (COP) och Teacher Observation in Preschool (TOP). Observationerna innebär att ögonblicksbilder av individuella barn/personal görs under en heldag i förskolan. Flera aspekter av individens aktuella aktivitetet kodas. Därefter har individuella data aggregerats till avdelningsnivå och procentuell fördelning av aktiviteter har kalkylerats. Aggregerad frekvensdata och proportionsdata för barn respektive personal återfinns i dataseten samt viss bakgrundsinformation om avdelningarna.

Seventy-eight preschool units participated in the study. All units were inclusive in line with Swedish preschool norms. Preschool units in the TUTI project (n = 39) were selected through stratified convenience sampling based on municipality size and population density. Only public preschools were approached, and no limitations of unit target age was made. Preschool units in the PEPI project (n = 39) were selected by a combination of purposive and convenience sampling. Units where the majority of children were three years or older were approached. Public preschool units in a region of Sweden where children with disabilities currently were enrolled were initially approached, in line with overall project aims. Then, independent (non-profit) preschool units in a smaller region of Sweden was approached, without further criteria.

Olika varianter av bekvämlighetsurval användes. Data från 78 förskoleavdelningar från två olika projekt, TUTI (n =39) och PEPI (n= 39) användes i studien.




Metadata Access
Creator Åström, Frida; Sjöman, Madeleine
Publisher Swedish National Data Service; Svensk nationell datatjänst
Publication Year 2020
Rights Access to data through SND. Data are freely accessible.; Åtkomst till data via SND. Data är fritt tillgängliga.
OpenAccess true
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Psychology; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences
Spatial Coverage Sweden; Sverige