Raw data supporting the paper "Countrywide wild bee taxonomic and functional diversity reveal a spatial mismatch between alpha and beta-diversity facets across multiple ecological gradients". It contains taxonomic and functional metrics in 3343 community-plots distributed across Switzerland. The calculated metrics are:
- Alpha taxonomic community metrics: species richness and Shannon diversity
- Alpha functional community metrics: Functional richness (using the Trait Onion Peeling index, TOP), functional eveness (using the Trait Even Distribution index, TED) and the functional dispersion.
- Community weighted means of 8 functional traits
- The local community contributions on the functional and taxonomic beta diversity (LCBD).
The dataset also includes the following:
- The used predictors to model the spatial distribution of the community metrics (climate PCA, vegetation PCA, land-use metrics, beekeeping intensity).
-The three types of protected areas, defined according to the protective measures.
- The model evaluation, variable importance and partial dependece data.